Cool new slow fall!


Goblin Glider Kit - Item - World of Warcraft

This item is now in the new blingtron 5000 gift packages! it's a 15% chance to get them, there's no level requirement and we can use them. I tested out today, sorry but I forgot to take a screenshot. Be sure to loot every blingtron you see!

It is faster than the festive mug, it has a set speed. although I didn't test in bgs so I will have to check that out soon.
any other info that anyone has is appreciated :D
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We see Blingtron 5000s pretty regularly on Aerie Peak. Another advantage of being on a populated realm I guess. Also because your fellow F2Ps will announce in channel when they see one dropped.

Here's an interesting point about the glider, by the way. I have some, but I haven't used them yet, but I have seen someone use one in AB, and from what I observed, they are steerable. I have yet to confirm that first hand but it appeared that when I saw someone use one, that he jumped off LM and then steered himself back onto LM at a lower elevation. I'll let you all imagine the possibilities with that.
We see Blingtron 5000s pretty regularly on Aerie Peak. Another advantage of being on a populated realm I guess. Also because your fellow F2Ps will announce in channel when they see one dropped.

Here's an interesting point about the glider, by the way. I have some, but I haven't used them yet, but I have seen someone use one in AB, and from what I observed, they are steerable. I have yet to confirm that first hand but it appeared that when I saw someone use one, that he jumped off LM and then steered himself back onto LM at a lower elevation. I'll let you all imagine the possibilities with that.

They are 100% steerable! :)
They are great. 100% steerable and you can even attack from them say if you're a hunter and someone uses their glider to jump off of LM you can chase them down on yours while shooting. They can also be used on slight slopes to put you further ahead of people chasing you
I once got a piece of junk that sold for 200g!

Hehe, I actually keep the high-value Blingtron vendor trash in the bank in case they ever raise the F2P gold level to something more reasonable. :)

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