Constructive Criticism #2

Sooo yeah I heard this was a good way of improving your gameplay, asking people for advice & what I'm doing wrong in WSG :) Also sorry for Rägeclaw for stealing your idea. Any criticism would be greatly appreciated, positive & negative.

Inb4 TL members spamming the thread "lol ur so bad get out of 19s we have 2,2k rating we best" with no reasoning.
why make a #2 already tho :eek: - also I find it very hard to tell people how to improve, since a lot of people play different, and these isn't one perfect playstyle.

offtopic: glad as 2,2k rating? we dont play french battlegroup mejt
Making a #2 because #1 was made by another person and I don't want to hijack thread :p I understand people play differently, but I was thinking if you've seen me do something obviously bad or wrong, let me know so I can stop doing that and improve. Thx for the post tho!

OT: idk what you're on about with that
I like the challenge and druids are a very fun class to play IMO. :)

EDIT: Thx :) Yeah I do have capping, great addon!
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you are good at the jumps and your gear is really nice. my criticism would be that your decision making isn't great when FCing but that will come with experience. Also im not sure if u have the add on 'capping' but if you dont i would reccomend it :D
-> don't rely too heavily on the jump from ground level -> horde tun roof, i've seen you use it a couple of times, when there was an entire round of hunters incomming and you failed it, and got barraged to death :j
-> try not to get too heavily involved in fights, discussions etc. from what i've seen, you get too "Involved" and it sucks out some of the fun in playing.
-> you're at that level, where you can start using the roots more :j
-> go GY more :D!
-> all in all you're quite good, keep it up.
-> don't rely too heavily on the jump from ground level -> horde tun roof, i've seen you use it a couple of times, when there was an entire round of hunters incomming and you failed it, and got barraged to death :j
-> try not to get too heavily involved in fights, discussions etc. from what i've seen, you get too "Involved" and it sucks out some of the fun in playing.
-> you're at that level, where you can start using the roots more :j
-> go GY more :D!
-> all in all you're quite good, keep it up.

The jump to tun roof I don't rely very much at all, for the reason I fail it way too much to be of any real use. :p Always before I try it, I tend to check if there are any inc alliances at mid. I only use it to practise it because there aint no other way to practise it ^^

I actually thought you said I should use roots, as in the spell, more and was like wtf cus I've seen nobody spam roots as much as me :D But yeah thats a great tip! I haven't concentrated very much at all at the root jumps, I'll start practising them right away!

I'll keep in mind the gy think aswell :)

What comes to involving in fights... I'm not a person to start a fight or even get invovled in them much, for the reason it is hardly ever no use for anyone. Trust me when I say, I have tried to shake hands with the three musketeers MANY times and asked them what have I done against them, but they are not co-operative in any way. I've been ignoring em aswell but they seem to always find a way to irritate me in some way.

Thank you very much for your post, I think this will help me a lot in improving as a player!
Haha its all good and at least you spelled the title right unlike me :D
also if you want to practice your jumps and stuff like that just make a new druid throw some boas on it get it some boots with minor speed increase and lvl up doing wsg and practice the whole time and occasinally help if you think you should
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Bump, this is not a troll topic like I think 3, 4 and 5 are... Please continue posting your thoughts!

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