Consilidated Thread "Whatcha Doing?"


I have gotten messages and comments across several posts on what plans some of you have, share them here.

My plan. I have an 80 Druid / 70 Druid / 49 Warrior / 39 Lock / 19 Lock / 19 Rogue that I will have xferred in.

What are your plans. What class are you gonna xfer or roll? Doing a DK? Bringing a main?
I rolled a level 1 just a little bit ago and nobody was on. :( I don't think I'll be transferring because I'm a little short on cash.
ya, nobody will be on until 5-6pm cst or 6-7 server to invite. Sorry.
Can't transfer since this guild is horde :mad:

Im ally (main and all twink (exept 1)) and that twink isn't good enough to waiste 15$ on. I'll just make a level one and do stuff the hard way. ; )
My mains are Ally, so I won't mess with transferring anyone. I created a DK and should have him out and working to gather stuff for my soon to come twink. My main twink now, is a healing priest and I plan on creating a new one for the guild.

My biggest hurdle besides starting over on a different server is that I've never leveled a horde toon past lvl 10. I'm hoping that there will be helpful members that can answer questions for me on questing and what not. (any suggestions for which racials would best benefit a priest at 19?)

I'm pretty excited and am looking forward to getting into WSG with everyone.
I'm going to do as much as I can with my horde main (now at lvl 70) with regards to enchants before I xfr him. May be another week before I can since I've been so busy with the new house I just bought and the moving.

It's important that we have at least 2-3 people who can do some old instance enchants and would like to know if anyone is willing to run AQ20/40 to help out me or drayner get these.
Drayner said:
What are your plans. What class are you gonna xfer or roll? Doing a DK? Bringing a main?

Meh, I have a 19 twink shammy(ally) I might bring to help out with ally AH, Im not to sure about what about a "main," I have a 61 hunter I havent played in ages.

Mazurati said:
It's important that we have at least 2-3 people who can do some old instance enchants and would like to know if anyone is willing to run AQ20/40 to help out me or drayner get these.

If I xfer a toon, I'm down, or if I roll a Dk, I'm down.
Rolled a DK this morning, after lunch i got out of ebon hold and started farming. Got my names reserved and everything :)
I have rolled a rogue and have a name saved for a possible hunter as well as made a DK for farming. If this REALLY takes off I may consider transferring, but by that time I would hope my rogue and hunter would have similar gear to my existing ones, so I would be transferring 29s.
I just plan to start up a sham. Never played one and really looking forward to something new. As far as the farming goes i've made little over 200 in a few hours over there. Went herb and Mining and just macro it to change every so often.

As far as the i've never lvled horde feel free if i'm around to ask whatever. Really only played horde other then 1 mage who i sstill sitting at 70 =*(
Well, I have decided i'm most likely going to transfer my mage over :)

Depending on how well the guild takes off, i might transfer my main and make another twink :)
Leveling a DK to 80 and transferring my 71 lock over and leveling him probably as well (two accounts with 80s for BoA crap and runs). I'll be running in full force in a couple weeks I think, need to take care of a few things on my home server before I come.

In terms of twinks that I'm making...

19 hunter

29 priest

39 rogue

49 warlock
So far my plans are to make a DK to farm/help with runs and what not, and to make a level 19 mage, which i hope I will enjoy, plans are to get a couple sets (CC/snare and a fire go boom one) Depending how much I like it, I might decide to make another twink, always fancied a rogue - not sure which bracket though. And perhaps leveling the DK for BoA's (but probably not)
Started a fresh mage to get lvled quickly and be able to farm aon him. Planning on transferring my shammy over (lvl 19) and probably gonna make a rogue.
Taitaih said:
In terms of twinks that I'm making...

19 hunter

When will this outrage end?

These hard to play classes are spawning like ants all over a fresh tofee apple.

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