Considering rolling an Alliance Healer, where do I paint the target at?


Should I paint it on my back, or my chest? Perhaps my armpit, so it won't get noticed?
Or should I just paint it on my perky ass?

On to a serious note though, does anybody have some armory links for healer specs? Already checked out the ones in the armory, wanted to see if people had different tastes in gear. I'll make a Night Elf toon on a server of your choice, just for your entertainment.

P.S., is Balance worth the effort at 29, or should I just not touch druids at all?
Should I paint it on my back, or my chest? Perhaps my armpit, so it won't get noticed?
Or should I just paint it on my perky ass?

On to a serious note though, does anybody have some armory links for healer specs? Already checked out the ones in the armory, wanted to see if people had different tastes in gear. I'll make a Night Elf toon on a server of your choice, just for your entertainment.

P.S., is Balance worth the effort at 29, or should I just not touch druids at all?

Roll a healer, guaranteed to add 1-2 inches (I didn't specify where you dirty minded mods)

Priest puts out the most, but is squishy (also can do fairly good dps too)
Rshaman is a good tank healer that can put out some nice heals and has a ranged interrupt
monks do shenanigans, I'm not entirely sure how they work tbh
Rdruid has awesome mobility and fairly decent heals, and can still has silly ferocious bite dps (unless they changed that, I dont play mine much)

Hpally is awful, but with no one else playing them, you will auto become #1 . I recommend this healer to those than need the ego boost IRL or in game.
Meh. Guess I'll go look at that Armory list again.
Just look at the armory.
All I ever do is play heals. Solo queue at that. I never play DPS.
It is a crap shoot. Most of the time there are 2 heals. Sometimes there are 4. Granted, I am sure I do not play as much as you all do. The few times you get into real trouble is when the other heals AFK or the other team is full of stealthers(often). I just don't Rez if the other team and my team is full of stealthers or we are being farmed. I just walk away from the rezzer. AFKing out is not my style. Same as not healing GY farmers is not my style.

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