considering moving my priest

That's a real nice priest :)

I'd recommend finishing AGM before moving. The biggest reason is that most servers that you'd want to go to would have a lot of competition, thus making it harder. If the competition on your server isnt' that bad, I'd say finish it out while you're looking for a place to go.
thanks twerk. the problem is that my main is on a different server and idk many people that would be willing to help me out here so i might just try for late night snags
Great start. Would you consider faction changing or are you only interested in staying horde? also about the agm deal, late night snags are still very competive on alot of twink servers.
omg lawlpurge! dude i remember you haha. yeah i still talk to timon over there. kinda haven't been checking this since i've been busy with my main but yeah if you're still on stonemaul and want to finish up herb and potentially agm then i'm game
Hope you two come over to Ruin. Timon's hunter is on Bleeding Hollow in Waw Tawent.
How competetive is your server at the gurubashi arena? I was like 3/4 times fine with having just a Wrathful/Relentless geared rogue with me.
Not too bad competition wise. My friend offered to help on his full wrathful rogue and i just managed to solo grab one today. 7 to go!
On bleeding hollow, but alliance side atm, picked up faction items and ambassador title. I'll be back horde after cata drops though. Bleeding hollow is where most of cyclone horde side is, that's where you should xfer to imo.
that's the plan, timon is there so i hope i can bg with him. By the way, i love this post on your profile

"lol where you been lately? you me and lawl need set up some arenas... maybe against Fc timon and Lifesavior, that'd be cool but we'd probably lose :p "

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