congratulations mocha!!

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Congratulations on becoming a mod [MENTION=6446]Mocha[/MENTION]. It's great to see such an honest and unbiased user getting this much power!
Going straight from MVP to mod.

Let's all hope [MENTION=6446]Mocha[/MENTION] will use this for good use and nothing else! Congratulations once again :)

Congrats i guess, inb4 RT ruins this site again with terrible modding and (edited) bans/infractions.

p.s if u ban me u pretty much proof my point haha, my post wasnt offensive nor rude

Offensive language is against the CoC. Users who breach CoC receive an infraction as a minimal offense.
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Congrats i guess, inb4 RT ruins this site again with terrible modding and (ridiculous/ludacris) bans/infractions.

p.s if u ban me u pretty much proof my point haha, my post wasnt offensive nor rude

What do you mean? It has already started.

edit: Now that you said that he probs wont ban you just because you stated that

edit2 now because I said that he wouldnt ban you, he will ban you

edit3: cmon mocha, get a little more creative then just adding in (edited). You know what he meant when he said the "R-Word", the meaning was just lost in translation.
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The mods are why we can't have nice things.

WTB mods who aren't angst filled drama queen teens.
xD Iiii think he was promoted just to spite those who were complaining cause shane promotes him,shane doesnt care about community(trying not to make it sound so bad but theres very little you can do to dress up this fact) and im pree sure shane would rather not deal with drama so y not promote whiteknights to purge the forums of any active users; i mean trolls....

edit: i do think its a bit over the topp to have another knight of the white seeing how we have one that already finds it fit to do like background checks on whoever reports and dully cares about the community even doe thats what a mods are for imo opposed to admins

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im a little confused as to why the op is banned. his most recent post is this nice congratulations post for mocha and i dont think he got banned for this. could someone clear this up im rly confused
so y not promote whiteknights to purge the forums of any active users; i mean trolls....

Whats the difference?

Apparently having an opinion backed up by facts is unacceptable especially if it results in two or more people discussing things in the public's eye on a forum dedicated to the topics usually in discussion.

Oh the travasty!
im a little confused as to why the op is banned. his most recent post is this nice congratulations post for mocha and i dont think he got banned for this. could someone clear this up im rly confused

Probs cause his picture even though its not like hes lieing or has changed anything on it to tarnish mochas reputation thats mocha 100% lol
Probs cause his picture even though its not like hes lieing or has changed anything on it to tarnish mochas reputation thats mocha 100% lol

Hey at least he doesn't have to rely on the seemly MIA Silin now to "clear out the trash" so they can "use TI again"!
Probs cause his picture even though its not like hes lieing or has changed anything on it to tarnish mochas reputation thats mocha 100% lol

i dont see how posting screenshots is banworthy. the ss just gave some insight on the the new mod which is a great thing in my opinion. i mean people post screenshots all the time and its not like he did fake it or something. the only edited part of it were the mochas to make clear who danny finn is for the people that dont know. mocha shouldnt make such statements in the first place if he doesnt want people to know about it
Whats the difference?

Apparently having an opinion backed up by facts is unacceptable especially if it results in two or more people discussing things in the public's eye on a forum dedicated to the topics usually in discussion.

Oh the travasty!
There's never a disciplinary action taken against a member as long as they stick to the CoC and post in a constructive and positive manner.
There's never a disciplinary action taken against a member as long as they stick to the CoC and post in a constructive and positive manner.

so how was vianco's post not constructive or positive? He's congratulating u....
Gratz Mocha..
If people don't like TI as it and keep complaining, then leave and go create your own website instead of screwing with this..
This website is for sharing information regarding twinking ie. guides & information fx. regarding premades etc..

qq immature fcks
There's never a disciplinary action taken against a member as long as they stick to the CoC and post in a constructive and positive manner.

Would you care to comment on the picture that the person you just banned posted?

I mean it just seems a little fishy that you still have yet to take a stance on it, or is the whispering in your ear from certain "friends" just a little too loud?
There's never a disciplinary action taken against a member as long as they stick to the CoC and post in a constructive and positive manner.
you dont actually believe that do you

also u might have noticed that that very post of urs is off topic in this thread. can we get some disciplinary action please
Gratz Mocha..
If people don't like TI as it and keep complaining, then leave and go create your own website instead of screwing with this..
This website is for sharing information regarding twinking ie. guides & information fx. regarding premades etc..

qq immature fcks

did you miss the OP or do you close ur eyes when you post?
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