Congrats to 49s for a WSG pop!

49s (US) got a WSG tonight (Monday) -- congratulations to them for overcoming the queue bugs and making it happen! Keep the games coming!

May this herald the coming return of all brackets -- step it up, twinkers!
Really Happy for you guys! Let's hope every bracket work like this one to get Q going!
W00t! That's such great news! My friends and I are making a new 49 twink guild on Azuremyst! We were hoping that we could hear some better twinking news from the bracket! :] Congratz guys!
big grats to all those that made it happen. are the dates still the same for queing? might wanna repost em here just in case, along with what bgs you que for on said nights. hopin for continued pops
looks like I might make a new twink in this lovely bracket :p
49s landed three more WSGs tonight (Thursday)! While queues remain very buggy, we're seeing players from all over the serversphere. Initial impressions look good for class balance; we were pretty happy with the games. I think some feared (legitimately so) that Monday's game was a fluke. With three more games tonight, I'm confident any bracket can break through the buggy queue system and get back into action.

Looking forward to more games!
Bwappo said:
49s landed three more WSGs tonight (Thursday)! While queues remain very buggy, we're seeing players from all over the serversphere. Initial impressions look good for class balance; we were pretty happy with the games. I think some feared (legitimately so) that Monday's game was a fluke. With three more games tonight, I'm confident any bracket can break through the buggy queue system and get back into action.

Looking forward to more games!

^very tru story ;P
i think the main bug is people quing random, and then the system trys to fill something like ab or av when only 20 are trying to que. so picking specific BGs (like wsg) can help when you know the # of quers. also it might try to fill games with people closest geographicly since theres still separate servers by location that are then merged into one game

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