Concerned about 19's

Because of this change happening Horde pugs will no longer be. There are maybe 4 good active horde puggers left and considering pugs make up cataclysm its a big blow. Now every alliance pug is fully stacked and horde stand very little chance. No one wants to play on their horde toons anymore when there are 10 full twinks, going against maybe 3 full twinks, 4 semi twinks, and 3 complete idiots on horde. I'd love to go alliance and get premades going again but I just don't see it happening. One of two things will happen - WT will fall apart within the next month or two and go into separate guilds or they'll become inactive till MoP. I probably saw the worst thing I've seen in a long time, in the tink community, happen today and it was just so sad to see it. My little tink heart was destroyed. 5 WT players were losing and AFK'd...yes thats normal when they are down, but they then went onto alliance to join the winning teams. Really? That's what it has come to? Instead of switching out a few classes and having a very good game, everyone just decided to faceroll on alliance. So sad to see it happen. Anywho, I look forward to getting ass raped in the upcoming horde pugs. See ya there!
with the death of most horde guilds, masta ballerz is taking charge
Apnea, you just made me cringe harder than when you played your rogue in our real ID premades.

Is that why you came over to my server a few weeks ago and tried to recruit me to Take Care? :)

Anywho, I look forward to getting ass raped in the upcoming horde pugs. See ya there!

I'll be right there with you friend. I'm not a win-switching coward. I only left one game today, and it was because there were 6 god damn hunters, most of which were actually competent. Anyone knows that doesn't make for a fun game.
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I probably saw the worst thing I've seen in a long time, in the tink community, happen today and it was just so sad to see it. My little tink heart was destroyed. 5 WT players were losing and AFK'd...yes thats normal when they are down, but they then went onto alliance to join the winning teams. Really? That's what it has come to? Instead of switching out a few classes and having a very good game, everyone just decided to faceroll on alliance. So sad to see it happen.
I agree, it is probably the thing that irritates me the most within the 19 bracket, whether its on Alliance or Horde. Why not wait it out and give it another try at a better game? Where is the fun in joining the other side and steam rolling players with no effort on the much superior team? It sure is a good way to lengthen queue times...

I can only imagine what ol' boy was saying here, I'm going to venture a guess that it was a post rife with descriptions of how bad I am, or something similar.

Keep it up Beau, you're a 2nd rate Pizza at this point lol.
I can only imagine what ol' boy was saying here, I'm going to venture a guess that it was a post rife with descriptions of how bad I am, or something similar.

Keep it up Beau, you're a 2nd rate Pizza at this point lol.

Had some good games against you today. You/Derna/Mocha/Confident are my favourite horde twinkers. Always try each game and are constructive and supportive.

Except when you /lol spammed me.....</3
It's a little late to be concerned for 19's.

Kind of like putting on a seat belt after a car crash. -too late, already dead as fuck.

sad but true.

still liked mel gibson best though, sorry. :p
Had some good games against you today. You/Derna/Mocha/Confident are my favourite horde twinkers. Always try each game and are constructive and supportive.

Except when you /lol spammed me.....</3

After some laborious research, I figured out which tink you are. I spam lol'd you out of frustration because our Horde teams were garbage and you always seemed to be the last thing I saw before I died, a few times picking up the scraps that one of the billion rogues on your teams had left :p

Nothing personal, just hard to keep trying and trying and being blown away every time I make some progress in a crap game lol.

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