Concern about 4.1


Everyone here knows that 4.1 patch is coming soon and the FOTM class that everyone loves is going to get buffed.


* Ice Barrier base damage value has been increased by approximately 120%. In addition, the benefit from spell power has been increased by approximately 8%."

Now that means over 8k absorbs in most cases which is gamebreaking at 70lvl. That buff is only needet at 85 lvl, because ~12k glyphed absorb is just a joke. Not to mention that it's even dispellable. But there's nothing wrong with the Ice Barrier's absorbed amount at lower lvls.

Sure there is a nerf coming also, but it should be left as it is. Amount of novas mages have right now is indeed quite rediculous.

I haven't seen any threads in EU forums about this yet. But it'd be nice if some people here would make threads on both US & EU forums. Demanding that the Ice Barrier change should only affect lvl 85 players. Notify them that there's nothing wrong with the IB's scaling at lower lvls. But when you step into the Cataclysm quest areas and your HP will skyrocket to heavens, that's where the problem lies.

And no, I can't make the thread myself. Got my account permabanned on forums ages ago.
Peatt said:
* Frostbolt damage has been increased by 10%.

Lmao, bb pvp.
Peatt said:
* Frostbolt damage has been increased by 10%.

i think its ok, mage isn't playable @70.

Oh, there are some new changes... I don't mind that coming live at 85 lvl. It encourages people to cast frostbolt more often. Or rather it'll be worth casting.

But again oh well, inb4 15k shatters @ 70 lvl.

I might aswell quit twinking if this goes on. Lower lvler mages already got a huge buff on Ice Lance and FB a patch ago when they nerfed frost mastery.
Stunggix said:
Lmao, bb pvp.

hey w8! i will post one more ok?

* Fingers of Frost bonus damage applied to Ice Lance has been increased to 25%, up from 15%.

the reroller need the buffs @85!
Peatt said:
hey w8! i will post one more ok?

* Fingers of Frost bonus damage applied to Ice Lance has been increased to 25%, up from 15%.

the reroller need the buffs @85!

That's cool lolol. Let me guess warrior nerf??
Warrs did neeed a nerf but if they gona inc the spellreflect + nerf collosus smash to 50% should atleast fix heroic leap and have kept the dmg buffs instead of removing them all.

Only benefit i see is charge stun not sharing dr; but even then charges stun is back to the normal other words more jump charging; so we are back to square one with no benefits!
Well warriors aren't really taking nerfs, they got some changes which are minor disadvantages. But they got some minor buffs here and there,atleast in arms spec, that make it alright. This mage thing is crazy though! Idk if they even needed this at 85! Insanely lame.
the change to ice barrier won't be that major considering it can still be dispelled, classes who already can't beat them won't really be affected by it and most other won't care as they got offensive dispell... and things ain't balanced around 1v1.. in BGs/Arena you will usually have a priest or something that can dispel it.. if you don't in arena thats your own fault...

the truely FOTM class at 70 nowadays must be shamans with their cleanse spirit heal.. GL getting one down if its stacked with resi...
the truely FOTM class at 70 nowadays must be shamans with their cleanse spirit heal.. GL getting one down if its stacked with resi...

Next patch i think i read somewhere that its getting nerfed for those who stack it above 32% damage reduction. And a slight buff for those who have under 32% Damage reduction.
Bakpak said:
the truely FOTM class at 70 nowadays must be shamans with their cleanse spirit heal.. GL getting one down if its stacked with resi...

That's the bigger concern I think the 70 bracket should have (and I say that as someone who plays a resto sham). 4.1 brings a 15% buff to healing, 50% cooldown reduction on fire nova, and the return of the spirit link totem (spreads incoming damage out equally to everyone in range). That's redonkulous.
Actually the resil nerf isn't that hard I sit at 50% and only dropped like 4%.

Soooo yea.
there was a spirit link totem in the past?
i dont ever recall shaman having something like that, but i could be mistaken. either way it'll be another good tool for them, bad for their enemies.
You guys might be thinking of the Tranquil totem.

Which reduced Threat of people effected by the totem in the X yard range which was a problem for tanks getting hit with it :p

(back in the day)

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