Computer Crashing Problem

When I log into WoW, after about 10-15 minutes, my computer just shuts off. I can do anything outside of WoW, but as soon as I log into WoW, it just shuts off. Now, I have scanned and removed all my viruses with AVG and Maleware Bytes, Problem not fixed, Uninstalled some programs to provide more memory, not fixed. I'm afraid it's my graphics card, I'll see if my software on my computer needs updated, but other than that I don't know what else to do.

I took out the back of my Laptop and took an air duster to what i can on the inside, and it still doesn't work.

Any help would be great, thanks..
Also, It is not overheating and it is not the updates, I updated all of my computer specs that needed to be updated and my computer is still shutting down.
I'm not a computer expert by any means and since you're on a laptop, my info may not even be relevant. But I had a similar issue on my old comp. After much trial and error, I determined it was my GPU that was overheating. The heat sink was just giving out on it. You can test this by downloading a program that monitors the temperature of your GPU. Look up the accepted temperature for your particular make and see if that's the problem.

As for rectifying it, I'm not exactly sure how to go about that on a laptop. But given what you said, it sounds like something is overheating.
Well, the reason i HIGHLY think it is not overheating, is because i left it sitting in my room with the window cracked over night, while the laptop was shutoff, so it was cold when i came back, as soon as it started up, it took about 3 minutes, i opened WoW and it crashed my computer as soon as I entered the world.
Okay, I'm trying to remove files from my laptop to another one, and my computer won't recognize the USB, and nothing on google helps. So halp?
Well, the reason i HIGHLY think it is not overheating, is because i left it sitting in my room with the window cracked over night, while the laptop was shutoff, so it was cold when i came back, as soon as it started up, it took about 3 minutes, i opened WoW and it crashed my computer as soon as I entered the world.

if the heatsink on your g/cpu is borked it wouldnt matter how cold it was, it'd overheat pretty quick under stress. but idk, specially about the usb dealy
if the heatsink on your g/cpu is borked it wouldnt matter how cold it was, it'd overheat pretty quick under stress. but idk, specially about the usb dealy

I'm trying to switch everything to my old computer and send the laptop thats over heating to geeksquad. the computer is recognizing the usb, it downloading the driver, but its just not showing up in My Computer. It shows (C:) (D:) and (E:) but it doesn't show my usb.
Giving tech support over a forum is pretty rough unless your knowledge of troubleshooting is indepth or if the problem is just really simple to fix. Unless you feel ballsy your best bet is to have a tech or group of techs like Geek Squad fix it. If your GPU is overheating, try to see if the fan is spinning. (When dealing with computers the simplest of things can often be the source of the trouble) I had an older video card that would overheat and blackscreen on me. I removed the sticker from the fan on the card and put the smallest, teeny weeny bitsy-est drop of sewing machine oil (tipped a needle with it and dropped it in) and basically "re-greased" the fan so it would spin again.

But if you don't feel like pawing through your machine (and I suggest you don't since it's a lap-top, everything placed specifically for space conservation) send it off to be fixed.

Edit - And if it's not showing your USB, make sure any temp drivers are installed. My ex roomate bought a USB drive that had drivers that had to be pre-installed before it was recognized.
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I've used this USB before though, I was reading and it is called by some processes running in the background, and I don't feel safe deleting them because I'm not a techy person.
I actually don't know why I didn't do this 10 hours ago, but i forgot about discs, instead of USB i can use a disk.
Sorry for the late response but the previous posters are headed in the correct direction. The cause can really be a number of things. With it being a laptop your graphics are on board and what that means is it's integrated into your processor (which is not something you typically replace $$). That being said with it mainly turning off while in game that would be the likely conclusion. Some helpful information would be if it blue screens what does it say? Do you get system beeps when it turns off?

Honestly what geek squad is going to do is plug it in and run a diagnostic that is going to tell them a very general idea of whether it is viral related or sometimes if its hardware nothing at all. That is when the big bucks come into play and if it's a hardware issue they will fix it for you sure but most likely send it off to be repaired. Laptops are a bit harder than a tower because you can simply remove a graphics card on a tower and see if that fixes the problem. Another cause could be the virtual memory, or of course a viral problem which could be cause of the usb problem as well. Some of the best free programs to check/remove viruses are Malewarebytes and the free program from Kaspersky. The second one actually removed one of the toughest viruses I've faced before, very impressed.

If you haven't already taken it in please price things out. Laptops these days are very inexpensive but places charge a lot to fix them. I know, I've worked in such a position before. If you have I'm curious to the problem and solution. :)
Hmm well didn't mean being low on the virtual memory more so along the lines of having faulty or dislodges ram, but that usually would cause a blue screen. How old is your laptop? The best answer for just a complete failure without warning is damage to your graphics unit which would be your processor in a laptop. Or of course a virus. Any other issues at all? Most common virus lately is known to randomly shut you down, but then it will prompt you for some fake anti-virus program.

In all honesty run some free virus removal programs and if nothing is caught and the problem persists price things out. Make sure any services would be worth it monetary wise verse the computer's age and cost to replace. Computers are very cheap these days. My newest comp cost me a quarter of my old one.
I scanned with AVG and Maleware Bytes and I got nothing on either of them.
I'll probably wait awhile and do something about the computer, I switched to my old one which works fine.
Bump: This is my thread, so it is not necroing.. :p

But I think I have found the solution to this problem.. I got a message when starting this computer that I have the problems with, and it said my "Battery Capacity was too low".

And I have looked it up and it said it can lead to random system shutdowns. Do you think this could be the problem with WoW shutting down, or do you think it is overheating in a matter of seconds from starting in a cold room?

I can do everything else other than play WoW. I don't get it. I might buy a new battery if I get positive feedback :p
BOOM. It is the problem. My computer sits at 0% and as soon as I unplug it. It dies.

This has to be the problem correct? WoW Does use quite a bit of battery.
Yes. I would suggest you buy a 9 cell battery for your laptop as well. Can be found fairly cheap on eBay. 30-45 dollars

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