Community Synopsis Please


So, following the 5.0 prepatch I quit 70 twinking for good.

Well I'm back.

Was just wondering if somebody could sum up the bracket for me right now. I've read around on the forums a little bit, and this is what I've taken from it.

Prot Pallies, Boomchickens, and Spriests are top DPS right now.

It sounds like all healers are viable?

It takes an abysmal amount of time to kill said healers

Some questions I would like to ask:

How are queue times compared to 4.3?

MOST IMPORTANTLY: HOW ARE WARLOCKS? I'm currently rolling one now. Probably going to end up going destro (lolchaosbolt), but keeping the Demonology option open. Any input there?

A quick summary of this information would be mucho appreciato :)
Some questions I would like to ask:

How are queue times compared to 4.3?

MOST IMPORTANTLY: HOW ARE WARLOCKS? I'm currently rolling one now. Probably going to end up going destro (lolchaosbolt), but keeping the Demonology option open. Any input there?

A quick summary of this information would be mucho appreciato :)

All the information you posted before what I have quoted is current and correct. as for your questions:

The queue times for me (EU) can range from anywhere between 5-20mins, any longer and I requeue or do something else. They feel much longer than they used to be.

I can't say for Warlocks, I don't recall meeting a single one in arena post MoP which is either the sign of a weak class, bizarre queuing or everyone playing their FoTM
Disc priests can easily beat destro locks 1v1. When a spec/class can be beaten fairly easily by a healer, you know it's bad.
Disc priests can easily beat destro locks 1v1. When a spec/class can be beaten fairly easily by a healer, you know it's bad.

I think you forgot that they could do that in 4.3 as well, just not as quickly.

Just like in Cata, a class may not be the strongest but a comp composed of weak classes can be very powerful. For example, I remember being 2197 and not being able to hit 2.2k because we kept hitting a Shadowplay team. Warlocks, ShadowPriests, and RDruids were far from good back then.
I think you forgot that they could do that in 4.3 as well, just not as quickly.

Just like in Cata, a class may not be the strongest but a comp composed of weak classes can be very powerful. For example, I remember being 2197 and not being able to hit 2.2k because we kept hitting a Shadowplay team. Warlocks, ShadowPriests, and RDruids were far from good back then.

Won't happen nowadays in World of Hybridcraft.

Enjoy being oneshotted by backpeddlers if you try :/
Warlocks seem fine, I started again(ish) yesterday. No idea what any of the skills are/do but seems to be going ok as is.
Is there some kind of bug or something or is it just inactivity in EU, but I tried to come back to the 70 bracket on my warlock,
since I didn't try it out since 5.0.4 release(raiding hurrdurr, at least progress almost over) and I hadn't have a single
bg popping even if I'm in queue all day on the weekend.
Don't even want to mention arenas, there's not a single other 70 twink since 5.0.4.
Are there any battlegroups/servers, where the situation isn'T AS bad?

PS: I miss soulswap =(

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