CoD 6 vs. Twinking


rip fishin buddies
i've been thinking about this recently, i think i have a good argument for why CoD is better.

Say you roll a crappy 19 class, like a mage or rogue, then get raped by a hunter/shaman. you can be all mad and stuff, but then eventually roll one of those classes. but rolling one of those classes will require a day or two of leveling (more if you suck) and a week to a month to gear up perfectly. lets compare this to CoD:

You are using

Scar H with Thermal and Heartbeat

USP .45 with FMJ and Silencer


Bling Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Steady Aim Pro

but get raped by a guy with

M16A4 Holographic

Akimbo G18s


Scavenger Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Ninja Pro

you can take like 30 seconds and make an OP class just like him, instead of waiting days and days to rape people.

in fact im just winging this and i had a cool idea so ill just go off on this little tangent first. each WoW class corresponds with a CoD 6 class...


Intervention Silencer



Sleight of Hand Pro

Cold Blooded Pro

Ninja Pro

you pretty much can rape people if they dont know you are there but if they see you and you arent awesome you are pretty much fucked


Tar-21 Silencer



Sleight of Hand Pro or Scavenger Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Ninja Pro

pretty much all purpose you can do whatever is needed, like rush, chill back, whatever. all purpose just like a druid


FAL Grenade Launcher



Scavenger Pro

Danger Close Pro

Ninja Pro

pretty much your a big ol fag and you have a modded controller too, you rape people without really knowing much else other than you have to see them first (sometimes lol)


RPD w/ Attachment




Stopping Power Pro

Ninja Pro

pretty much you got a really big gun


Vector Akimbo/Rapid Fire

G18 Akimbo/Extended Mags


Bling Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Steady Aim Pro

you rape people if you get lucky, or if they suck a lot


UMP Silencer


Throwing Knife/Stun

Marathon Pro

Lightweight Pro

Ninja Pro

you pretty much kick ass i guess


Mini-Uzi Thermal

Desert Eagle Akimbo


Sleight of Hand Pro

Hardline Pro

SitRep Pro

you just really suck lol, but you think you are good cause it looks cool


Barrett .50 Thermal



Sleight of Hand Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Ninja Pro

you chill in the back hoping no one really notices you while you rape people without them knowing you're there


Riot Shield

Akimbo Models

Throwing Knife (or c4)/stun

Marathon Pro

Lightweight Pro

Commando Pro

you can be a bitch to kill if you are good but if you suck you are a free kill

well that was my little tangent now back to some serious stuff..

if you like WSG, guess what, CoD has capture the flag too! its cool because its a similar game to what you like about WoW but you need not a lot of time to make awesome classes. if you like arena, boom, SnD or team tactical, both similar in that gameplay is different and more reliant on strategy than lol i got the flag.

so yeah thats cod6 vs twinking, lets hear your discussion now
Troll post.
McBankington said:
That's a weird way to spell Team Fortress 2.

I know.

On a more serious note, i can't play tf2 worth shit, small maps, lots of people running around, nay.. Give me a scout kit in 1942 and I'll pick off jumping medics from the other end of the map, sooooo satisfying
i see all these words, but none of them are really saying anything lol
tweedledum said:
I know.

On a more serious note, i can't play tf2 worth shit, small maps, lots of people running around, nay.. Give me a scout kit in 1942 and I'll pick off jumping medics from the other end of the map, sooooo satisfying

Scouts ftw.

2fort in tf2 match just started ran across the bridge into their gate yard took out a sentry being built, an engie demoman and medic at the same time, ran away from a heavy that came last second, flanked around to the back of him and killed him with my bat.

fucking love the baddies that play it on ps3. Can pull shit like this pretty often if your fast.

But yeah Tf2s maps are kind of small, some are big, but not many.
Orcgasm said:
i've been thinking about this recently, i think i have a good argument for why CoD is better.

Say you roll a crappy 19 class, like a mage or rogue, then get raped by a hunter/shaman. you can be all mad and stuff, but then eventually roll one of those classes. but rolling one of those classes will require a day or two of leveling (more if you suck) and a week to a month to gear up perfectly. lets compare this to CoD:

You are using

Scar H with Thermal and Heartbeat

USP .45 with FMJ and Silencer


Bling Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Steady Aim Pro

but get raped by a guy with

M16A4 Holographic

Akimbo G18s


Scavenger Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Ninja Pro

you can take like 30 seconds and make an OP class just like him, instead of waiting days and days to rape people.

in fact im just winging this and i had a cool idea so ill just go off on this little tangent first. each WoW class corresponds with a CoD 6 class...


Intervention Silencer



Sleight of Hand Pro

Cold Blooded Pro

Ninja Pro

you pretty much can rape people if they dont know you are there but if they see you and you arent awesome you are pretty much fucked


Tar-21 Silencer



Sleight of Hand Pro or Scavenger Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Ninja Pro

pretty much all purpose you can do whatever is needed, like rush, chill back, whatever. all purpose just like a druid


FAL Grenade Launcher



Scavenger Pro

Danger Close Pro

Ninja Pro

pretty much your a big ol fag and you have a modded controller too, you rape people without really knowing much else other than you have to see them first (sometimes lol)


RPD w/ Attachment




Stopping Power Pro

Ninja Pro

pretty much you got a really big gun


Vector Akimbo/Rapid Fire

G18 Akimbo/Extended Mags


Bling Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Steady Aim Pro

you rape people if you get lucky, or if they suck a lot


UMP Silencer


Throwing Knife/Stun

Marathon Pro

Lightweight Pro

Ninja Pro

you pretty much kick ass i guess


Mini-Uzi Thermal

Desert Eagle Akimbo


Sleight of Hand Pro

Hardline Pro

SitRep Pro

you just really suck lol, but you think you are good cause it looks cool


Barrett .50 Thermal



Sleight of Hand Pro

Stopping Power Pro

Ninja Pro

you chill in the back hoping no one really notices you while you rape people without them knowing you're there


Riot Shield

Akimbo Models

Throwing Knife (or c4)/stun

Marathon Pro

Lightweight Pro

Commando Pro

you can be a bitch to kill if you are good but if you suck you are a free kill

well that was my little tangent now back to some serious stuff..

if you like WSG, guess what, CoD has capture the flag too! its cool because its a similar game to what you like about WoW but you need not a lot of time to make awesome classes. if you like arena, boom, SnD or team tactical, both similar in that gameplay is different and more reliant on strategy than lol i got the flag.

so yeah thats cod6 vs twinking, lets hear your discussion now

rofl.. that made my day, if we're talking about cod6 on xbox the monthly fee is lower than wow, and you get a free server to talk to your friends like teamspeak or w/e. Also if people exploit or cheat they actually get banned not like wallwalking flagrunners.

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