Cloak enchants (lvl 19)


Hellooo TI :D,

I just got 15 shadow resistance on my cloak on my 19 shaman, i was wondering what the best enchant for cloak is.

I dont know if i made a good choice or not, but hey, my friend gave it to me for free so might as well.
If you're a rogue then i'd go stealth. Otherwise, if you play with a druid or priest and might run into a shaman then i'd go 15 NR. Otherwise, its whatever floats your boat imo.
Steamed said:
Hellooo TI :D,

I just got 15 shadow resistance on my cloak on my 19 shaman, i was wondering what the best enchant for cloak is.

I dont know if i made a good choice or not, but hey, my friend gave it to me for free so might as well.

15sr on cloak doesn't exist. So i'm going to assume you mean 10sr, in which case you should keep that one and also get a 15nr enchant and a +5 all enchant.
Over all I find the +15 nature resist better for any healing class. Earthshock and purge protection is priceless.
I am not sold on the whole +15 NR. Wind Shock and Roots, I can see why you'd need it VS. these, even then it is a slim chance I'd assume being only 15 and you aren't grabbing NR anywhere else.

Purge, I've been playing a Shaman a LONG ASS time, I spam the shit out of Purge until you have NO buffs left. Purge isn't something I hit once and go 'OHNOEZ RESIST!1' and go back to pounding on you, I break my = key (always my key for Purge) making sure you are unbuffed. Hell, I'll hit it so much I get spammed with the 'Nothing to dispel' message.

Just saying. I can see why with Roots and Wind Shock, but Purge? Really? It's like the same logic with casting some random buff on yourself so I can't Purge your AGM bubble. Purge is random, so I might go right by your random crap buff and hit your AGM bubble, I may not, either way I am breaking my = key until I see the 'Nothing to dispel' message fill my screen.

The only reason i'd take 15NR is for the purge resistance. On my druid anything that can keep my hots and other spells up on my target and myself for longer is definately worthwhile. I also play a shaman, and i know how frustrating it can be to have to purge someone with 30% failure chance + 15NR, it can take damn long to burn down an FCs buffs if he has a hot healer on him. The fact that there are usually multiple magic effects on the target mean that over all 15NR is more likely to earn its worth and to be more reliable when you need it, and will keep your buffs and HoTs up longer on average. This is much more preferable to having a chance that fear might fail to land. This to me makes 15 NR best if you have a chance of being purged, especially if you have a HoT healer. I do acknowledge that it wont stop your buffs being purged, but it will keep your buffs up longer which could be the difference between keeping AGM long enough, getting healed by the last few ticks, nature's grasp being proced before being purge, ice armour catching melee in a snare ... etc and this makes much more difference than the RNG of the other resist enchants.
That +15 NR on the cloak makes you use purge about twice as much as you would need if they did not have the resist. I'm pretty sure it's "useful". Just sayin'
Zuty said:
I am not sold on the whole +15 NR. Wind Shock and Roots, I can see why you'd need it VS. these, even then it is a slim chance I'd assume being only 15 and you aren't grabbing NR anywhere else.

Purge, I've been playing a Shaman a LONG ASS time, I spam the shit out of Purge until you have NO buffs left. Purge isn't something I hit once and go 'OHNOEZ RESIST!1' and go back to pounding on you, I break my = key (always my key for Purge) making sure you are unbuffed. Hell, I'll hit it so much I get spammed with the 'Nothing to dispel' message.

Just saying. I can see why with Roots and Wind Shock, but Purge? Really? It's like the same logic with casting some random buff on yourself so I can't Purge your AGM bubble. Purge is random, so I might go right by your random crap buff and hit your AGM bubble, I may not, either way I am breaking my = key until I see the 'Nothing to dispel' message fill my screen.


unbind = key lol....
Theoretically yes +5 for all round. But +5 resist isnt really the BEST way to go imo; you could have a very small chance to resist most schools of magic or a good/very good chance of resisting a specific school of magic.

As im an undead i already have the shadow miss racial, so i go with 15 nature ress. Also have one with 10 SR, 15 fire rez and 5 rezz on firebane cloak.

I would go 10 sr or 15 nr.
This is what you do. You log on wow and slap on +5 all res b4 queing skirmish. Then if in the next 2-4 games you see an abundance of locks or priests, swap in your 10sr cloak, shamans or druids, your 15nr.

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