<Classic> - Level 60 Twink Guild! [Alliance]


*Guild no longer active/open for recruitment and events. Thanks to everyone who participated :)

If you're looking for a new 'home' on Argent Dawn for 60 twinking, check out <Afterlife>.

I'll keep the original thread in a spoiler tag for memories sake

Guild Roster

About Us

We play on the server Argent Dawn (Alliance) and we're looking for more players to join our ranks
We focus on PvE/Raids (Molten Core, Blackwing Lair and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj).
We have a weekly raiding schedule and an active playerbase of friendly members!

  • Wednesday:
    Molten Core [19:00 servertime]
  • Thursday:
    Blackwing Lair [19:00 servertime]
  • Friday:
    Temple of Ahn'Qiraj [20:00 servertime]

We stream our guild-runs, click here to check it out!

Guild and Raid Rules
  1. We allow Death Knights and Monks in the guild, but NOT in our guild raid events!
  2. We allow TBC/WOTLK and Heirloom gear to be equipped, but NOT inside our guild raid events!
  3. We allow the use of PvP gear inside our guild raid events!
  4. We allow ALL enchants, both in- and outside guild events!
  5. We allow all race- and class combinations in the guild. (Shamans allowed in guild+raid)
  6. We allow cross-realm players who sign up using the "Premade Groups" feature to join our raids!
  7. No shit-talking in guild about other members, guilds or players!
  8. No spamming in guild chat, raid chat or elsewhere!
  9. No ninja-looting or bad behavior in raids!
  10. LOOT RULES: MS** > OS (This applies to offpieces and weapons). All classes can need on their correct class tier-pieces.
    ** current spec

Guild Ranks
  • Recruit
    Leveler rank. 1-59
  • Timout
    Recently misbehaved or broke the rules. Not allowed to see or speak in guild chat.
  • Private
    Achieved level 60.
  • Corporal
    Achieved level 60 and is decked out in epics.
  • Sergeant
    Quarter-officer rank. Can invite other members and has gained trust and friendship with other officers in the guild.
  • Knight
    Half-officer rank. Can invite and promote other players.
  • Commander
    Officer rank. Can invite, demote, kick and promote other players among other things.
  • Justicar
    Guild Master. "I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!!"

Guild History
  • 20th December 2014
    Guild created by Rob and Wonderbow. Planning its launch for 2015.
  • 1st January 2015
    Guild launched and open for recruitment.
  • 25th January 2015
    Milestone! Over 200 members!
  • 20th February 2015
    Killed and progressed through Twin Emperors! "Guild Classic Raider" achievement.
  • 17th March 2015
    Milestone! Over 400 members!
  • 7th May 2015
    Milestone! Over 600 members!
  • 26th May 2015
    Milestone! Over 800 members!

Contact Us
You can whisper any of our online members and they can direct you to an Officer who will invite you.
If you want to know something else, just reply to this thread or add Rob#2830 on BattleNet.

There are no requirements to join our guild, but if you level beyond 60 you will be instantly kicked.


See you ingame,
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Classic our guild is definitely growing strong as a community and i don't see it tearing apart any time soon, because the guild master Rob investing soo much from his time and money on it. i'm more than happy that i supported him through everything and before in the earlier guilds we been in :eek::eek::eek:
Hey this doesn't seem to bad aside me having to make a new character and level it to 60 wich wouldn't be to hard since it would take like 4 hours.
Hey this doesn't seem to bad aside me having to make a new character and level it to 60 wich wouldn't be to hard since it would take like 4 hours.

We got a ton of new recruits/levelers, so now is the perfect time to level up.

As you can see in the picture, a lot of them are doing dungeons together to level faster with eachother

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If you have all that many active players wouldnt the guild enjoy a 2-3 groups to compete eachother in a timed run for aq 40/bwl its defently 6 manable with vanilla gear and chants.
If you have all that many active players wouldnt the guild enjoy a 2-3 groups to compete eachother in a timed run for aq 40/bwl its defently 6 manable with vanilla gear and chants.

We're working on different groups to cater to different people. Some players are looking for the "grand" raids, where you raid amongst 39 other friends/players regardless of the difficulity. While some are more after the challenging runs with few people and being undergeared. Since we're so many people right now we're working hard to make people get to choose and have it their way. Which is also one of the reasons we made a strawpoll recently asking guildies what they would like to do.

The idea of having a 'race' to see who finishes first is also a good idea and something we can try out in the future

We made a poll earlier, and are going to keep voting on it for atleast 5 more days - once it has 70-100 votes we'll see what we can do and what the majority of the guild wants!

Straw Poll <---
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Me and my friend just made chars on Argent Dawn, just to join this guild, hoping I can get invited :)

Charname: ßabygirl
Friend's Charname: ßigdaddÿ
We're growing fast!
Increased by 100 members since yesterdays post/picture comment!


Thanks for all the support and sharing :)
man im so gonna join this guild i just need to make a new Char on the Server when i get home
Alright, finally i can log in to Twinkinfo. Choice off server 10/10. Sometimes i get stuck in goldshire and forget to level.. hehe. :p i was playing with some ppl yesterday and it Went rather fast. If you're looking for a good lvl 60 vanilla Guild this is it it's awesome has a nice and Active Community. I Think you really made it happen with this Guild. Even tho i haven't raided yet since im still leveling there is Active raids in the Guild and i like that. 11/10
BIG guild event coming up this Saturday! We will do Alterac Valley guild WarGame!
Please be aware that this isn't meant as some MLG competition BG, more as a big zerg/have fun type of PvP event.

If it's successfull we'll definitely do more in the future, we might have arena tournaments aswell as competitive small BG events (wsg/ab and so forth)

BIG guild event coming up this Saturday! We will do Alterac Valley guild WarGame!
Please be aware that this isn't meant as some MLG competition BG, more as a big zerg/have fun type of PvP event.

Glad to see 60's still around, I just wanted to give you a heads up about 3 months ago doing wargame AV Gave exp on NPCs/Boss Kills so please be careful with youre dedicated toons. I would hate to see one ding.
Glad to see 60's still around, I just wanted to give you a heads up about 3 months ago doing wargame AV Gave exp on NPCs/Boss Kills so please be careful with youre dedicated toons. I would hate to see one ding.

Thanks for the heads up! This will save a lot of stress and chaos on Saturday.
Will try to figure something out till then.

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