US Classic Demo surpassed all expectations


After 2 days played time at 19, Numerous 20 man raids. Getting Demon Band and Boahn's Fang ninja'd. Losing my shit over getting another Boahn's Fang drop and Serpents Kiss drop within 3 minutes. This demo was everything i could've hoped it would be and brought back so many memories. Off the bat the community aspect is clearly apparent and people were actually so wholesome, The second everyone logged in they typed "I'm home!"and it really felt like that. Regardless of everyones speculation i'm confident these devs are going to keep the game exactly how everyone remembers it. Very excited for official classic, I hope to see all of you there!

Some in game screenshots for the memories



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Wow.. idk. Part of me has been somewhat against this- as you truly can never go BACK to the way it used to be (raids will be a joke, new addons will be made to bypass the lack of QOL stuff, 3tc).. just seeing the marks of honor, old school UI with resistances, and the shear simplicity of the game back then really brings me back.

I’m still concerned, but looking forward to the nostalgia.
In the demo no addons what so ever worked, none from 1.12 or 7.3.5 which was basically what the demo was. In the classic panel they emphasized how they are reworking addons, working to get rid of btag adding enemys in bg’s. Theres also alot of things that everyone is iffy on but all in all they sound truly dedicated to keeping the game how it was. A quote from one of the lead classic developers who was on the original 2003 team “The data is all there and its not ours to change”
Wow.. idk. Part of me has been somewhat against this- as you truly can never go BACK to the way it used to be (raids will be a joke
It's kinda ironic hearing that from a twink lol. We go back into WSG and play capture the flag over and over again and we don't stop.
It's kinda ironic hearing that from a twink lol. We go back into WSG and play capture the flag over and over again and we don't stop.

My twink (I have several- but the one I have invested the most into and who others identify me as is my rogue) evolves and changes as the expansions keep coming out. I have a ton of OLD gear that everyone can identify.. Tunic of Westfall, AGMs, enchanted LFH, shadowfangs... as time goes on, some of these items truly become “vintage”. Like the rest of the community, i’ll play the current meta now and adapt to changes. Gear goes in/out, new BGs become accessible (AB/EOTS)... and like everyone else, I’ll think back to the “good old days” where not many people knew about LFH... not many people had the +4 stats enchant to chest, the community was just learning about getting AGM. Putting time into your toon, before achievements came out, was a lot of fun- and part of that was finding new things that could make your twink better, and give it that edge.

This is what I remember, and this is “wow classic to me”. I have many more memories of classic on my main. Purchasing my first mount at level 40... progressing through cutting edge content. The hundreds of friends and guild mates from these patches that I have not talked to in YEARS. The meta at end game has changed so much throughout the years as well...

What I really value is my memories of these times. Purchasing my first mount, progressing, getting that first pair of fishing boots (after i had caught 5 keefers in the process) I will likely never forget.

Wow was really fun for me during these patches. Maybe part of it was that I was a lot younger than I am now (not that I’m old now), and life is generally much more simple growing up.

To address your comment, what I am concerned about is how these memories may (and will) change. Getting that first fishing hat/boots just isn’t the same, now that I have caught 15+ of them and won 10ish fishing contests. Purchasing a mount again won’t be the same, as my main has 300+ mounts or whatever.

The community aspect will be really nice. Using /1 to find groups for things, making the trip back to ashenvale to spend my marks of honor. That will be a lot of fun. Hell- im really looking forward to some of the old jumps in WSG again. But “Wow Classic” will not be wow classic for me. That isn’t the devs fault, the communities fault, or anyone’s fault really.

Regardless- im hoping for the best. Be it classic/live servers- see you guys in the gulch.

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