Classes/Specs you never see in BGs/Would like to see more of

Enh is still far more viable than most people think. Whenever I play I'm probably just gonna be playing Gåmma. I'm pretty sure it's possible to white cap enh if you really wanted to. I get down to 5% for 20's w/o sacrificing anything while pvp trinket is on CD and I can use rune of perfection.
Something i almost never see is a geared belf rogue , such a good efc killing machine with the aoe silence, but hardly anyone that rolls belf uses it correctly , just my opinion
Aff locks actually are pretty good if you know how to use them. Dot up and spam shadowbolt with drain soul or drain life
so i respecce'd to enh and i'm gearing up...the dps is so terrible in the dungeons, i'm having reservations about a fully geared enh sham...


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