Classes/Specs of your 10-man Dream Team



FC Team:

CC Mage (Keep em sheeped, frost nova'd, etc)

Disc Priest

Feral Druid

Midfield Team:

2 x Hunters


EFC Team:

Sub Rogue (Keep healers busy)

Ret Pally & Fury Warrior (Burst down EFC together)

Holy Pally (Along with Ret Pally, HoJ enemy healers)
Mission of Midfield Team: Ignore individuals crossing midfield, but attack, kite, and split up any gathering of more than two players attempting to cross (Killing them is incidental but inevitable). Attack groups of two if those are only targets available.

Mission of EFC Team: Stay with with FC Team from midfield to enemy ramp/tun, hover between enemy ramp and enemy tunnel, then escort FC team as far as midfield where EFC Team joins Midfield team to kill EFC. If there is no EFC when midfield is reached, return to hover between enemy ramp and enemy tunnel.

-Not GY Camping. Enemy players get to choose which group it is that kills them.

-No boring guarding of flag room.

-Aggressive posture, keeps the fight on enemy turf and keeps the enemy on their own half of the map.
FC: Holy Paladin

For obvious reasons

FC Support: Disc Priest, BM Hunter, Frost Mage

Priest keeping the dps up. Dps has maximum CC and still very high burst damage to defend FC and help him cross field

Flag Recovery Team: Sub Rogue, Sv Hunter, Resto Shaman, Feral Druid, Enhance Shaman

multiple shamans for shear/purge. rogue for sapping and kicking heals. druid for DPS and repicking if needed
earthpig said:

FC Team:

CC Mage (Keep em sheeped, frost nova'd, etc)

Disc Priest

Feral Druid

Midfield Team:

2 x Hunters


EFC Team:

Sub Rogue (Keep healers busy)

Ret Pally & Fury Warrior (Burst down EFC together)

Holy Pally (Along with Ret Pally, HoJ enemy healers)

I count 11 in your setup.


Pally FC


Frost Mage


Resto Sham



Resto Sham

Arcane Mage


Ret Pally or Fury War
2 rogues

3 dis priest

1 prot pally

4 hunters
2 Destro Locks (WE OWN!)

1 Frost Mage

1 Arcane Mage

Prot Warrior FC

1 Rogue

2 Resto Shammies

1 Fury Warrior

1 Ret Paladin

there we go
D - Holy Pally FC

Holy Priest

Frost Mage

Fury Warrior

Mid Control Hunter x2

O - Sub rogue

Feral Druid

Enh shammy

Ret Pally
Jeralulz said:
You really wanna bet right?

Depends on the skill level of the hunters :rolleyes:

My dream team.

1 Holy Paladin

1 Protadin

2 rogues

2 hunters

2 disc priests

2 mages

This could make a viable premade. Alternate the protadin with a druid that has experience with FCing and it could be scurry.
As far as the FC goes allow me to give some insight as I've done it with NEARLY every class now. For crossing mid there is NOTHING better than a resto drood, period. Now when it comes time to holding the flag in base (assuming heals and support) (if no heals and support, Drood is THE best kiter solo carrier) hands down prot warrior all the way. I say this, compared to a holy or prot Pally, because both pally specs trade off a TON of damage mitigation for the ability to heal. In the general holding of the flag, NOBODY can take hits better than a prot warrior.

Recently I alternated between Hitmeplease and Beefstock (who has 1800+ HP buffed - less whickey / rum). The comparison showed me that Beef had far more mobility and utility, BUT, when it came down to a focused assault, Beef crumpled waaay before Hit despite the much larger hp pool.

The BEST balance would be to have 2 FC's in a game that can alternate, or be in place to regrab should the primary FC fall. In this case, I'd say Resto Drood, and Prot Warrior.

*EDITED* - For wrong tone.
Pookums said:
Feel free to argue all you want, I have 6 years as a FC (in MANY premade Vs. Premade) to know better =D

This just made me facepalm a lil... Normally I'm not one to go against words of people I work with and I just keep quiet; but stuff like this is no better than some huntard newb spewing about how awesome he is cause he can do so much dmg and typically not even get touched... Is he right? To a degree, is it something that everyone wants to do? Hardly. I'm sure most of the people on this forum have the 'years of experience' on some specturm of the scale.

Usually most of that experience is void come time another patch comes out, I know many tricks and skills i'd use as a 19 warrior back in TBC that I can't do anymore, same for paladin. We all chose to use what we work with best, its why we have the choices... If this is how the horde on a general scale think of any other FC then I may as well pack my bags and go back to Arathor. I know there are many times my paladin had a situational advantage, and back when I had a 19 war - same for it.
I'm gonna have to agree with lightsworn on this one ^^. Resto druids may have have kiting on their side, but carrying as a holy paladin is the mot survivable method. I can cross mid with a rogue on me the whole way, healing with nothing but instant casts. while holding in FR, I can keep the health up on several dps while sustaining high/max hp. Prot pally in int gear is also an excellent flag carrying set up, however slighty less versatile and not quite as bursty with the heals.

edit: prot pally and a holy pally fc team + 1 dps of choice, perfect defense imho.
FC - Holy pally

D - Disc priest/hunter/lock

O - Rogue/arc mage/resto sham/hunter/war/feral
Drg86 said:
This just made me facepalm a lil... Normally I'm not one to go against words of people I work with and I just keep quiet; but stuff like this is no better than some huntard newb spewing about how awesome he is cause he can do so much dmg and typically not even get touched... Is he right? To a degree, is it something that everyone wants to do? Hardly. I'm sure most of the people on this forum have the 'years of experience' on some specturm of the scale.

Usually most of that experience is void come time another patch comes out, I know many tricks and skills i'd use as a 19 warrior back in TBC that I can't do anymore, same for paladin. We all chose to use what we work with best, its why we have the choices... If this is how the horde on a general scale think of any other FC then I may as well pack my bags and go back to Arathor. I know there are many times my paladin had a situational advantage, and back when I had a 19 war - same for it.

You're taking what I posted out of context, the title of the thread was "dream team" meaning the best possible scenario. I think the BEST scenario is Resto Drood and Prot War. Never anywhere in my post did say the other options were NOT viable. I also never once stated how "awesome I am" either, in fact in several posts I have stated that I am still a "clicker" meaning my reaction times will always be at a disadvantage Vs. someone with keybinds.

As far as experience based on previous patches / expansions you are exactly right, which is why I have done some testing "recently". Now I'll admit that I do not have either a prot or holy pally I plan to roll each in the near future. For further testing.

Let me ask you this, what are the max defensive stats of a prot Pally assuming full BoA gear?

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