Classes on the easy side of gearing?

BSurv said:
caster are the worst cost wise, warrior/ret is pretty easy to gear up, hardest part is LotV.

the hardest thing to get for ret pally/ warrior is the 2 handed axe pendulum of doom. took me 14 months at a minimum of 10 runs per day of farming to get it to drop. worth every second. but the boa axe is a very nice alternative if u don't wanna farm or cough up the many thousands of gold to buy one. just my 2 cents.
Draenei Warriors don't need LotV. Additionally, PoD is highly comparable to BAR.
PHILtheTANK said:
meh i have no idea how stats translate at 39s but mono bow has 12 ap and 3 agi... if 3 agi= 3 ap(not sure it does?) thats 15 ap and a lil bit of crit... and seeing as resilience is a worthless stat at 39(especially 2 of it) mono bow still number 1!!!!!!
your a baddie, I did a fucking comparesing there, when you equip BoA gun instead of mono bow you get/lose -9ap +0,42crit +2resi, I take 0,42% crit anytime over 9 ap. But also as I wrote thats my opinion and everybody got their own but you cant just say MONO BOW FOR BIS GEAR.

Cant remember, did I told you, you suck?
elocon said:
your a baddie, I did a fucking comparesing there, when you equip BoA gun instead of mono bow you get/lose -9ap +0,42crit +2resi, I take 0,42% crit anytime over 9 ap. But also as I wrote thats my opinion and everybody got their own but you cant just say MONO BOW FOR BIS GEAR.

Cant remember, did I told you, you suck?

elocon said:
your a baddie, I did a fucking comparesing there, when you equip BoA gun instead of mono bow you get/lose -9ap +0,42crit +2resi, I take 0,42% crit anytime over 9 ap. But also as I wrote thats my opinion and everybody got their own but you cant just say MONO BOW FOR BIS GEAR.

Cant remember, did I told you, you suck?

i dont know... DID U TOLD ME???

and i suck??? thats just like.. ur opinion... man.
Be nice to each other..
elocon said:
your a baddie, I did a fucking comparesing there, when you equip BoA gun instead of mono bow you get/lose -9ap +0,42crit +2resi, I take 0,42% crit anytime over 9 ap. But also as I wrote thats my opinion and everybody got their own but you cant just say MONO BOW FOR BIS GEAR.

Cant remember, did I told you, you suck?

to prefer ap over crit as some ppl may choose to do to. thats his choice and he is free to choose how he sees fit. just cause u prefer crit doesnt make him a baddie....who are u to decide what the standard is. the reason for this post was for advise. so give him your advise and leave the name calling for the play ground....
elocon said:
your a baddie, I did a fucking comparesing there, when you equip BoA gun instead of mono bow you get/lose -9ap +0,42crit +2resi, I take 0,42% crit anytime over 9 ap. But also as I wrote thats my opinion and everybody got their own but you cant just say MONO BOW FOR BIS GEAR.

Cant remember, did I told you, you suck?

Theres 2 people arguing over ranged choices that are both bad, and you have the audacity to imply that he's MORE BAD than you?
Falaris said:
Theres 2 people arguing over ranged choices that are both bad, and you have the audacity to imply that he's MORE BAD than you?

Lol. It's his opinion still though !:eek:
Mortox said:
Lol. It's his opinion still though !:eek:

And while I think I can safely say that intelligent people realize by now that throwing weapons >>>>>>> bows/guns, its still pretty retarded that he called him a scrub because he didnt agree with his point of view. I realize that that statement could be viewed as slightly hypocritical, but isnt it a fair assumption at this point that competent rogues know what is up with their ranged weapon?
Falaris said:
And while I think I can safely say that intelligent people realize by now that throwing weapons >>>>>>> bows/guns, its still pretty retarded that he called him a scrub because he didnt agree with his point of view. I realize that that statement could be viewed as slightly hypocritical, but isnt it a fair assumption at this point that competent rogues know what is up with their ranged weapon?

I agree with you don't worry man ^^
To quote Frie when he was still a nub :

Me : Frie dude, Nightblade SUCKS ... Lets get you a Bonebiter or LOA.

Frie: But I like Nightblade.

Me : Why ?

Frie: Because its good

Me : Get a proper ret weapon or dont play ret tbh


One of the best lulz we had on Vent :D :D :D
falaris said:
theres 2 people arguing over ranged choices that are both bad, and you have the audacity to imply that he's more bad than you?

why you gotta hate on me like that fal??? Why oh why.

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