Classes on the easy side of gearing?

I've decided to start up a 39 twink and I have a few classes in mind. What I'm mostly concerned about is huge time commitments to get gear. I don't mind farming Revelosh and the usual but classes with tons of rare drops are not something I'm interested in.

What do you guys think are the three easiest classes to get BiS gear for? I have ample access to BoA gear and quite a bit of gold so I'm mostly worried over classes with very troublesome to acquire items.

Thanks in advance.
Emorainbow said:
I've decided to start up a 39 twink and I have a few classes in mind. What I'm mostly concerned about is huge time commitments to get gear. I don't mind farming Revelosh and the usual but classes with tons of rare drops are not something I'm interested in.

What do you guys think are the three easiest classes to get BiS gear for? I have ample access to BoA gear and quite a bit of gold so I'm mostly worried over classes with very troublesome to acquire items.

Thanks in advance.

I'd say retadin.

BoA shoulders and chest, BAR, rings from the LFG tool and you'll fight-worthy.

The only piece of gear you may have a hard time finding is a pair of LoTV.

The good thing about pallies is that you're not locked in to one role in our WSGs: you can go full ret for DPS, prot for FC'ing, or holy for heals. Sure, ful ret is RNG-dependent and boring at times, but imho, pallies are the most versatile class a 39.
Bansil said:
draenei pally -> no LotV

rogue and casters are pretty easy too...

Don't have much experience with casters (none of the ones I've toyed with were anywhere near BiS-geared, and I've discovered I'm fairly terrible at caster DPS), but I agree that rogues can be easily made as well.

Mallet of ZF main, vanq sword OH, BoA chest, LFG shoulders and ring + aquamarine monkey ring, and Rev monkey gloves.

Ogron's sash can be substituted by the gem-studded belt (which has been preferable to rogues lately because of the AGM-like bubble with incredibly low CD), and most other gear, save the Bas Hide pants and comfortable hat, are BoP quest gear.
caster are the worst cost wise, warrior/ret is pretty easy to gear up, hardest part is LotV.
Hunter Rogue if youre able to get BoAs seem cheapest to me, and really easy to gear
[item]ginn-su[/item] imo. [item]monolithic bow[/item] too and [item]gloves of holy might[/item] i actually got all 3 for about 150g, but that was insane luck lol.
As long as farming Revelosh doesn't bother you and you have the gold, you picked a good bracket -- 39s have the least instance farming of any active bracket. Shamans use several BoE gear pieces, and share BiS items with other classes (both caster and melee).

Crilicilyn said:
[item]ginn-su[/item] imo. [item]monolithic bow[/item] too and [item]gloves of holy might[/item] i actually got all 3 for about 150g, but that was insane luck lol.

I officially hate you now.
[Ginn-su Sword] imo. [Monolithic Bow] too and [Gloves of Holy Might] i actually got all 3 for about 150g, but that was insane luck lol.

The thing about rogues...those 3 items really arent even BiS items depending on how you like to gear/spec. All 3 item slots can be filled much cheaper or free. You dont have to rely on getting lucky on the AH.

Mallet of ZF, Vanquishers Sword, WSG Sword for example are all more common rogue weapons and are free.

Whirling Steel Axes are a much more common ranged weapon for Rogues and imo are BiS both for having decent stats and for being much faster for interrupting bandages and such.

Revelosh Gloves of the Monkey are better imo as well (and free...although they can take some time to get), GoHM are very overrated for Hemo rogues.
Alteffour said:
The thing about rogues...those 3 items really arent even BiS items depending on how you like to gear/spec. All 3 item slots can be filled much cheaper or free. You dont have to rely on getting lucky on the AH.

Mallet of ZF, Vanquishers Sword, WSG Sword for example are all more common rogue weapons and are free.

Whirling Steel Axes are a much more common ranged weapon for Rogues and imo are BiS both for having decent stats and for being much faster for interrupting bandages and such.

Revelosh Gloves of the Monkey are better imo as well (and free...although they can take some time to get), GoHM are very overrated for Hemo rogues.

You are absolutely correct, but having those three items are status symbols: having them tells noobs that you're OMFGFRIGGINGCOOL and DW Ginsus is an RP'er's dream.

I wouldn't use em in a fight, of course, but they sure do look cool.
yah, but the guy is asking about easiest to gear classes, not RPing and status.
Alteffour said:
yah, but the guy is asking about easiest to gear classes, not RPing and status.

True. I couldn't help posting inanity, but I see now it probably clouded the issue for OP.

No, none of those items are BiS, but they're cool and cool looking. I wouldn't recommend spending cash on them unless you already have your BiS gear.
mono bow is still bis for rogues(in wsg at least). the majority of time people are bandaging in wsg theyre going to be 1-2 ticking, and ur not gonna be able to interrupt that anyway. arena is another story.
mono bow is still bis for rogues(in wsg at least).

That is depending on how you prioritize stats. Hemo imo isnt about high AP gear sets, its about control. More stam is better than more AP for that style of play, and is imo the proper way to be playing the spec, in wsg or arenas. Stam + ability to interrupt bandages and have a knockback friendly OH means more control/survival.

not to mention we are talking about how easy a class is to gear...axes are really easy to get and cheap and is either BiS or close to it.

Thats just me though, if you enjoy high AP then by all means go for it.
Alteffour said:
That is depending on how you prioritize stats. Hemo imo isnt about high AP gear sets, its about control. More stam is better than more AP for that style of play, and is imo the proper way to be playing the spec, in wsg or arenas. Stam + ability to interrupt bandages and have a knockback friendly OH means more control/survival.

not to mention we are talking about how easy a class is to gear...axes are really easy to get and cheap and is either BiS or close to it.

Thats just me though, if you enjoy high AP then by all means go for it.

ya obviously the axes are alot easier to get than the mono bow, i was just responding to it not being BiS.... imo mono bow is still without a doubt bis for wsg play. too lazy to look up the stats on the weapons but i believe u get somwhere around 16 ap from the bow.... 16 ap and a lil bit of crit is FAR superior to 4 stam or w/e, especially for a rogue. the only thing nice about the axes for wsg is the interupt, which is rarely useful because in wsg chances are the person ur trying to interrupt is going to be dotted up, aoe flying around, and someone else attacking them.
If you whould go for dps stats in wsg on ranged then its not sure mono bow is bis anyways, BoA gun is better in my opinion, its -9ap +0,42crit +2resi, compared to mono bow :p.
elocon said:
If you whould go for dps stats in wsg on ranged then its not sure mono bow is bis anyways, BoA gun is better in my opinion, its -9ap +0,42crit +2resi, compared to mono bow :p.

meh i have no idea how stats translate at 39s but mono bow has 12 ap and 3 agi... if 3 agi= 3 ap(not sure it does?) thats 15 ap and a lil bit of crit... and seeing as resilience is a worthless stat at 39(especially 2 of it) mono bow still number 1!!!!!!
Casters are insanely expensive to gear.

Staff of Jordan 1,000g on average, dual Underworld Bands 250-500g each depending on server, leveling engineering for Green Lenses probably 500-750g without mining, Necromancer Leggings 150-200g and Jaina's Firestarter 100g.

Now of course YMMV on the prices but a caster twink can easily cost 2,000-3,000g. Then of course you have the expense of enchants which may run you another 300-500g depending mostly on if you need Sunfire, Soulfrost or are happy with +40 spell damage.

I'll agree that the cheapest and easiest twink in 39's to make is a ret pally or prot pally. The enchants are super cheap, you can practically get all your gear in SM and off hand I can't recall any BIS that's going to be BOE except Orgon's Sash and maybe your aquamarine rings which combined shouldn't set you back 200g. For an added LOL on ret pallies one of the best 2H is a Lumbering Ogre Axe which is a green and comes from the cave in the SW part of the Badlands.

If you're really looking for a budget twink I believe the cheapest I ever made was a 49 Horde hunter. I think other than the aquamarine ring everything was farmable. Of course you and whoever is gearing you will get sick of Maraundon and looking for Meshlok. There's also two Horde BIS items, Rune of the Guard Captain (Trinket) and Honorguard Chestpiece (This quest chain takes you all over the f'in place but it rocks.).
PHILtheTANK said:
mono bow is still bis for rogues(in wsg at least). the majority of time people are bandaging in wsg theyre going to be 1-2 ticking, and ur not gonna be able to interrupt that anyway. arena is another story.

Uh, no. Axes are better for pretty much every practical situation, bgs and arena.

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