the F2P PvEr
Let's leave that thread to be the guide and do the testing/theorycrafting here
1. Turning in artifact quest
1. Getting artifact power - @handsomedgc you said that it won't lock, are you sure?
2. getting over 680 ilvl
3. too long played time
Test effects:
1. My character was locked after I got ilvl 680 and went to the bathroom, when I came back it was locked. Someone else's char also got locked after obtaining new weapons, possibly getting over 680 as well. What supports this theory is the fact that 680 is required for legion dungeons, which might be a weird gimmicky trigger done by Blizzard.
2. /played time or levels locking you out.
Highest level obtained on a class trial so far: 101
Longest /played on a class trial so far: 5 hours
Please contribute if you're interested, try to beat the /played time, get higher level, test if we can get artifact power, test if getting over 680 locks out. Lockout should happen around 10 minutes after the action done.
What locks your class trial 100%
1. Turning in artifact quest
What might lock your class trial - subject to testing
1. Getting artifact power - @handsomedgc you said that it won't lock, are you sure?
2. getting over 680 ilvl
3. too long played time
Test effects:
1. My character was locked after I got ilvl 680 and went to the bathroom, when I came back it was locked. Someone else's char also got locked after obtaining new weapons, possibly getting over 680 as well. What supports this theory is the fact that 680 is required for legion dungeons, which might be a weird gimmicky trigger done by Blizzard.
2. /played time or levels locking you out.
Highest level obtained on a class trial so far: 101
Longest /played on a class trial so far: 5 hours
Please contribute if you're interested, try to beat the /played time, get higher level, test if we can get artifact power, test if getting over 680 locks out. Lockout should happen around 10 minutes after the action done.