Class/spec tiers? Who's on top? Who is awful?

I've been out of the loop for a while and trying to get back into F2P but I have no idea what's viable since the release of WOD. Guide are all outdated as well. Which classes, and more specifically specializations, are on top?

From what I can tell Monks(brew, mist), Feral, Arms, and Hunters(sv?) seem to be good. Tell me where you rhink classes should be placed. I've started with a few suggestions.

Help make a tier list!

General Arena Rating


Tier 0

Feral Druid ★★★★★
Retribution Paladin★★★★
Brewmaster Monk ★★★★
Restoration Shaman ★★★★★
Discipline Priest ★★★★★

Tier 1

Arms Warrior ★★★★
Balance Druid★★★
Windwalker Monk ★★★★
Mistweaver Monk ★★★★
Survival Hunter★★★1/2

Tier 2

Guardian Druid
Demonology Warlock
Destruction Warlock
Assassination Rogue
Restoration Druid ★★★
Marksman Hunter★★★★
Protection Paladin
Combat Rogue
Frost Mage★★★
Fury Warrior★★

Tier 3

Fire Mage★★
Arcane Mage★★★
Affliction Warlock
Holy Paladin ★★★
Beast Mastery Hunter★★★
Protection Warrior
Subtlety Rogue
Elemental Shaman★★
Enhancement Shaman★★★

Tier 4

Holy Priest ★★
Shadow Priest★★
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Like you said, BM monks and ferals are good. BM monks don't shine that well as f2p but they are still annoying little fucks to face, with little skillcap. Ferals do crazy numbers (4,7k on my not bis horde feral with zerker + valentine buff vs non-fc). Arms has crazy spread damage with rend, capable of doing over 200k dmg during a wsg (not every bg will be like dis doe lol)

Hunters got quite a big nerf so they are not nearly the minigun wielding speed demons they were in mop, but they are still good due to instant ranged abilities, conc shot being retarded with its 24/7 uptime on single target, roar of sac, pet stronk etc. Not a class that you will faceroll everything, but definitely a menace for any melee. If you are any decent, you will do very well. If you're shit, you will still do pretty well.

Retri got very nice sustained damage, decent burst and very high offheals. Combined with the two ohshit buttons, an unique 6sec stun (still keeps amazing me how stupidly long that stun is), good damage and heals they are a very nice class to roll for either arenas or bgs. Good for soloqueing I'd assume.

Anything else you wanna know?

EDIT: Oh, thought you just wanted to get updated with what's the class that all the kool kids roll now, my bad. I'd drop prot warr to 3rd tier, protpala to 2nd and sub rogue to 3rd tier. Combat rogue and surv hunt to 2nd tier. Why's there a 0 tier?
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You forgot to mention how fuckin boring arms is to play without a ragedump...

You forgot to mention how fuckin boring arms is to play without a ragedump...

I thought so too until I realised how shit fury is, and how dull it's to play ragestarved 24/7 even in bstance. That, and after seeing 217k dmg after a wsg as arms :D

If you have the time I'd like to hear about every spec in your experience

Shit, that was a bit more than I was expecting lmao. Having the time wouldn't be a problem, but having the interest on the other hand... :p I could write about the specs that I play, but not gonna go over every class/spec since I'm sure there are people that know their mechanics better than me.

Balance druid - sick damage (starsurge hits like a truck), good mobility, shit heals since rejuv is quite weak now. Dots are still good but can't just double dot everything anymore due to how moonfire/sunfire and the new eclipse works now. starsurge -> displacer beast -> 5cb fero bite is probably the most burst one can do in a global in this bracket, though it requires some setting up. Very good damage (sustained, burst, multitarget, singletarget. you name it), good mobility, shit heals. Tier 1

Guardian - Basically a tank spec. Trash used to be strong as fuck but got nerfed, so there is really no reason going guardian unless you're fcing or just want to play it tanky. Quite boring as a dps although viable, but damage is not near balance/feral. Heals are pretty weak and goes oom fast if you have to spam rejuv. Still, it's a druid and druids are op, tier 2

Feral - No explanation needed really. Ferobite crits at least 75% of any clothies healthbar in one bite, feral has 4sec stun, shred crits for 800s, most mobile melee and nearly unkiteable. Not very durable if you have to go on defensive, but who cares about spamming rejuv when you can crit his whole healthbar. tier 0

Resto druid - Heals greatly nerfed in wod. No more AoE heal from swiftmend, regrowth heals for less, rejuv heals for less. Upside is that they got retarded damage now (wow, who would have though of a druid). Tier 2 because they make good FCs and do good damage, if it was only for the healing they would be shit tier

Resto shammy - Healing surge heals really high now, riptide is ok for the instant tick, rsham is quite tanky with nice talents to make it even more tanky. Shear is great for assisting your damage dealers or reducing pressure by interrupting cc or high damaging spells. Purge, offensive dispel, very nice. Also got defensive dispel vs magic and curse (are there even any curses in this bracket lol). Decent mobility but cant powershift cc like a druid so not as strong for a FC choice. DPS is next to nothing so that's a downside. The tankiness, high heals, great utility spells and decent mobility makes this spec tier 0 for healers.

Enha shammy - Shit damage, good offheals. Goes OOM quite fast. Could work in an arena, but for a bg it's honestly not a very good choice. It would be good if it did more damage, but it doesn't so tier 4

Ele shammy - same as enha, does too shit damage to be viable. Thunderstorm is nice for support, you dont go oom nearly as fast as enha and you're actually ranged dps, fulmination does quite a bit of damage (but takes 15x lightning bolt casts to fully charge), but it still quite doesn't cut it with the 500 lightning bolt crits. tier 3

Arms warr - Sick spread damage, good single target damage, got aoe snare, gap closer, quite damn tanky as you can just sit defstance most of the time as rage rolls in and abilities dont cost much. Only really lacks an ability to dump rage on as mentioned earlier. Still a very solid dpser, tier 0

Fury warr - Spammable aoe snare which is very nice, but rage starved 24/7, quite bad sustained damage, doesn't have dots. In 6.1 it might be a decent alternative for arms, but right now it's pretty useless. Tier 4

Prot warr - Lost around 20% armor from mop days, does no damage anymore, and doesn't really have utility. Tier 2 or 3, haven't got a BiS FC set so haven't really tried prot out too much but I'd imagine BM/guardian/protpala to outshine a protwarr in fcing any day. tier 3

Idk if you just wanted me to tell the tiers for each spec without any additional bullshit, but I felt like going full nerd.

ps i think SP = shadow priest.
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Dmg BG & Arena: Feral=Arms>BM>Ret=Rogue>Hunter

Heal BG: Disc>RShaman=MW>Rdruid>Holydin

Heal Arena: RShaman>Disc=MW>Rdruid=Holydin

Support/CC: Shaman=Mage>Warlock>Holydin

FC: BM>RDruid=GDruid>Prot

Racials: Stomp>Torrent>Quaking Palm>NelfStealth>Worgensprint>EMfH
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So situational and spec/class-based doe :(
Pff spam on cd -> profit ;)
The order is just my experience last couple weeks regarding gamechanges/fc-kills.

How often have u been engaged by a feral (mid-derp ofc) with opener and then immediatly stomping u, then finish u off? ggnubl2p^^
Pff spam on cd -> profit ;)
The order is just my experience last couple weeks regarding gamechanges/fc-kills.

How often have u been engaged by a feral (mid-derp ofc) with opener and then immediatly stomping u, then finish u off? ggnubl2p^^

Yeah it's decent on a feral, but what about, say hunter or ret?
I think BG and arenas should have different tiers

In ARENA Feral is God Tier or Tier 0, followed just by BM, both of them have ridiculous qualities and fit nearly every comp

In my opinion Shaman and Discipline Priest are equally good, top heal specs, one of them gets above depending on combinations

Mages and warlocks are awesome but only in very specific comps: + top heal + top dps, so i would place them down in the tiers (higher than ele, enhanc shamans and fury warrior though)

Arms warrior is pretty good but really healer dependant, 3 dps can burst him down before he generates 1 of rage, so I would place it high but not too high

Hunters (mainly survival) are still top dps + ranged + mobility + permaslow, nothing compared to MoP, but still really good

Imo, Mystweaver should be lower in tiers, worse than priest and shaman, pair to resto druid and holy paladin, cause they are very weak vs stuns

Balance Druid F2P Tier 0? :eek: maybe in BG but in arena they seem standard/weak (even 29s)

And.... worst specs are: Prot warrior, Shadow priest, Afliction warlock, Fury warrior, Prot pala, Elem and enhanc shaman, beast mastery hunter...
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I guess the tiers can be divided into healing, damage and support.

In my opinion, damage wise for arena, Feral druid, Arms Warrior, BM monk, WW monk, Ret, Boomy, Arcane Mage, Ele Sham, Enh Sham, Frost mage, Fury Warrior, Fire mage, Spriest. (Ignoring tanking classes.) In bgs it can be a little different depending on what you're looking for, for mid possession in WSG, you really require Arms, BM, Boomy. The dot pressure from these classes will make healers just spam heal and maybe oom. On the other hand, Ferals, rogues, WW, Ret can be a great single target kill class, for example, killing EFC when stacks build up.

Healing wise, Disc Priest, Rsham, MW Monk, Holy priest, Rdruid and Hpal. In a 2s arena situation for example, if you are playing with a class that puts out huge amounts of damage, the healing class to support them with would be a Rsham or a Hpal. The 12 second CD on Wind Shear makes it harder for healer since they either have to fake cast and risk their partner dying, or sit a 3 sec lock out. Hpal, eventhough their healing has been nerfed so much since MoP, kills can come from either HoJ's on kill targets while their partner is LoS or in another type of CC, or HoJing a healer to get a kill on the dps. Rshams are great in bgs, decent about of mobility, has a clense and good heals making it very viable. Hpals on the other hand, still viable but lack so much in healing that it might not be worth it, since a lot of classes can outdamage hpal healing.

Disc is also great in 2s, since they have amazing damage and healing burst, with Bubble > Penance (around 2.2k healing without dampening) and Penance> Holyfire (around 1.1k damage.) Discs can be a support for an effective damage class e.g. Arms, WW, or they can take on the more full on damaging/healing role when with a CC class such as mage. MW monks can be very successful in healing in arena since they have great single target healing, it's nearly impossible to put out enough damage to outdamage an enveloping mist, with soothing mist. However, MW monks lack damage since they put out the least damage out of all the healing classes. This could be problematic in arenas, since a lot of the time, a healing class need to bring something more than just heals. E.g. Shams with purge and shear, disc with damage, hpal with stun and damage, rdruid with damage. Both Discs and MW are viable in bgs, I always feel that the disc should be putting out a good 40k damage atleast in bgs since it has such nice burst, while being on top of healing. MW is a great healer for an FC. With a clense and being able to lust other players adds on a skill level.

Not many people play Holy priests, but they can work great with classes such as Rets Or WW. Eventhough, without penance, they would lose a huge chunk of healing and damage, they gain Chastise which can get kills. Rdruids have lost a large amount of their healing, rejuv is a very weak HoT now, as well as regrowth. Put a rdruid in cat form and they are essentially a weaker version of a feral. The huge damage burst from rdruid can work well with a class that can offheal well, e.g. rdruid/ret can be a great comp. Rdruid may struggle in 3s, since their healing isn't very strong, they may not be able to outheal damage by two people (and healer.) Rdruids are very viable in bgs, eventhough they are weak on healing part compared to other healers, they have the best mobility being able to shapeshift snares and shifting CC. They can also FC, as well as doing damage on offense. Holy probably shouldn't be played in bgs. Disc > Holy.

Support classes include Mages, Ele sham and Lock. For arena, I think Mage stands out. The amount of CC and the 6 second CS make mages very hard to avoid for healers as well as having self peels from melee. Locks come in second, they have the longest single CC at F2P if i'm correct (seduce.) Both Destro can Demo can stand out since they have good damage, especially destro with CBs and confag. Ele comes last, however they do have strong offheals as well as sheer and TS peel for melee.

So, damage tier for arenas (2s): Feral > WW > Arms > BM
Damage tier for arenas(3s): Arms >BM >Feral > WW
Damage tier for BGs: Arms > BM > WW > Feral

Healing tier for arena (2s): Disc > Rsham > Hpal > HPriest >Rdruid > MW
Healing tier for arena (3s): Rsham > Disc > MW > Rdruid > Hpal > HPriest
Healing tier for BGs: Disc > Rsham > MW > Rdruid > Hpal > HPriest

Just IMO.
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