Class Counters (Discussion)

As a ret, my only real struggles are going against properly geared bm's. (The ap stacking ones)
With trinket, ferals aren't really a problem if I have everything I need.
Hunters who know how to kite take a bit of time for me to take down but eventually it gets done.

Other than that I don't have issues dealing with any other class/spec on a solo perspective.
As a ret, my only real struggles are going against properly geared bm's. (The ap stacking ones)
With trinket, ferals aren't really a problem if I have everything I need.
Hunters who know how to kite take a bit of time for me to take down but eventually it gets done.

Other than that I don't have issues dealing with any other class/spec on a solo perspective.

Can confirm, rets are pretty much made for 1v1, ranged classes can give you some trouble if you can't reach LoS, but other than that, only BM's are an issue.
So obviously there's no perfect class that can beat everything out there 1 v 1, as OP as some of them are, and I'm sure everyone has a certain class / spec they hate fighting against solo. When I first decided to roll a pally in WotLK I noticed they were really good in 1v1's, obviously a lot has changed since then but they're still a great class in any spec at low level and there's not much that can really give a 29 ret a run for it's money. That being said it is still a challenge to play against something like a geared enhance shaman or brew monk, not to say there's no way to beat them as ret but they're a pretty hard counter and I always go try hard whenever I run into one of them 1v1. As holy it's pretty much the same where I can't touch brew, enhance or even WW monks in a 1 v 1 so I usually end up kiting them as best as I can.

So what are some classes / specs you love to pwn with ease or try to do whatever you can to get away from?

Uhh I never played WotLK 29's........You have been exposed.
1v1 in my eyes is not the best fight you may have.

Either way,

The good classes at the moment are ranked like this in my point of view.

Balance Druid > BM Monk > Feral Druid > Enh Shaman > Ret Paladin > Arms Warrior > WW Monk > Survival Hunter .... etc

This can change around a bit if they have a healer, I'd definitely see Arms up top with a healer :3

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