So obviously there's no perfect class that can beat everything out there 1 v 1, as OP as some of them are, and I'm sure everyone has a certain class / spec they hate fighting against solo. When I first decided to roll a pally in WotLK I noticed they were really good in 1v1's, obviously a lot has changed since then but they're still a great class in any spec at low level and there's not much that can really give a 29 ret a run for it's money. That being said it is still a challenge to play against something like a geared enhance shaman or brew monk, not to say there's no way to beat them as ret but they're a pretty hard counter and I always go try hard whenever I run into one of them 1v1. As holy it's pretty much the same where I can't touch brew, enhance or even WW monks in a 1 v 1 so I usually end up kiting them as best as I can.
So what are some classes / specs you love to pwn with ease or try to do whatever you can to get away from?
So what are some classes / specs you love to pwn with ease or try to do whatever you can to get away from?