Clash of the Titans - New

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Okay, on a serious note.. Lol all of you eu'ers... Good game Im a little confused however on how yal could get so agressive and trash talk about 1 single premade that you were playing a team that not only had a last last minute boomy filler but a team that has never played together but formed to actually give yal a little competition tbh of hope yal would win the first game in the sense that half the time we were testing strats and getting used to eachother which takes atleast a game to do... There is absolutely no doubt the rematch and or the 2nd game would have and will have different results. Again good game.. Much respect
We are trying to sort a game on the 7th if our team can make it. Dunno why ur getting so bitchy, if we cant play we cant play and we leave it as that.
I cnt even take this serious... Yal basically said yal easily won and 3 cap was in the bag lol zzz I don't even need to explain myself

so saying we should of easily 3 capped is trash talking? ok
I cnt even take this serious... Yal basically said yal easily won and 3 cap was in the bag lol zzz I don't even need to explain myself

Seriously, nobody tell something before someone appear here and say "It could go both way".
Just drop it aha actions speak louder than words our teams ready for another game only time will tell i doubt hajimas still gonna be on the side of the road pulled over so hopefully they man up or get a better excuse :(
You guys do realise, It's alot harder to get all our 10 A team together available on one day, then it is to gather a Real ID group. A birdie tells me you've changed quite a few players, if that's true I'm not surprised.
So you are insisting upon getting your full 10 A team together to face a realid pug with no set membership and no history playing together to build cohesion?
We are trying to sort a game on the 7th if our team can make it. Dunno why ur getting so bitchy, if we cant play we cant play and we leave it as that.

You should refer to this.
So you are insisting upon getting your full 10 A team together to face a realid pug with no set membership and no history playing together to build cohesion?

You do realise, only our A team moved to Horde, right? Maybe you should look into things a bit first before you go jumping out of your cot.

Also, we could invite some "Random Real ID" too, but that defeats the whole point.
You do realise, only our A team moved to Horde, right? Maybe you should look into things a bit first before you go jumping out of your cot.

Also, we could invite some "Random Real ID" too, but that defeats the whole point.

It defeats the point of what? Guild vs pug?
It defeats the point of what? Guild vs pug?

Are you completely oblivious to the fact, that Yowza/Sqooshie set up this game to give Tough Love, not another "Real ID Group" a game?

The fact that Yowza had his team ready 2 weeks prior to Tough Love further proves my point.

I can understand where you're coming from, seing as you've been out of the loop for a while you know, being benched n' all. It was Yowza/Sqooshies idea in the first place, if you didn't know.
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Are you completely oblivious to the fact, that Yowza/Sqooshie set up this game to give Tough Love, not another "Real ID Group" a game?

The fact that Yowza had his team ready 2 weeks prior to Tough Love further proves my point.

It was Yowza/Sqooshies idea in the first place, if you didn't know.

There you go, talking about your 'point' again. I do realize that Yowza and Sqooshi had to wait two weeks for TL members to get back from their summer-long vacations, but a pug is a pug.
There you go, talking about your 'point' again. I do realize that Yowza and Sqooshi had to wait two weeks for TL members to get back from their summer-long vacations, but a pug is a pug.

Yes, a "Pug" which challenged our A team.

Have a go at Sqooshie, for challenging us in the first place if it's such a bad thing.
There you go, talking about your 'point' again. I do realize that Yowza and Sqooshi had to wait two weeks for TL members to get back from their summer-long vacations, but a pug is a pug.

If your so worked up about a "pug vs guild" go get RT to play us, oh wait, dojs. Dodges everywhere.
If your so worked up about a "pug vs guild" go get RT to play us, oh wait, dojs. Dodges everywhere.

Who said anything about being worked up about pug vs guild? And what does that have to do with guild vs guild? I'm not even active - talk to Pizza.
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