Wraynebao said:lol Beastly has _everything_
iaccidentallytwink said:I have a lot more than he has, I have almost _everything_. He's missing For the Horde, some of the mounts, exploration, the 450 prof achieve (unattainable without exploiting =/), a bunch of exalted, the 75 pet achievement, the world events, and a bunch of other stuff (myself, I'm missing 75 pet, the 20k mount, the 75 cooking, 50 drinks, quests, exalted, a few world events, and City Defender/of the Horde)
Beastly said:also you don't get the mount achievement until you have used it now i believe. (i bought one for the achievement when the sellback feature was added and didn't get shit for it)
Beastly said:most of the achievements i dont have is due to xp issues, which is irrelevant next patch. this was my first character so i didn't know i was gonna stay 19 for 4 years.
also you don't get the mount achievement until you have used it now i believe. (i bought one for the achievement when the sellback feature was added and didn't get shit for it)
iaccidentallytwink said:I got the 750g mount and got the achieve.
Beastly said:and you got that before it was changed. right?
you also got 30000 HKs and are no where near exalted with wsg, whats up with that? lol