Church is pointless.

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every week my wife wants me to go to church and I think it's pointless... do you really think god is smiling down on us as we gather inside a building singing the same like 15 songs every other week and cycling the same conversations about the same old shit like every 4 months? Good... everybody here loves god and believes jesus died for our sins... but why seclude ourselves? Jesus life's work was to get out there and spread the good word about his father to people who don't know and need saving. That's what WE should be doing.

Jehovah witnesses get a lot of shit for being different than other churches but they're the only ones getting out there continuing jesus legacy and doing his work. Most of them literally spend 40-160 hours a month going door to door offering bible studies on any subject to any willing person.

People refer to them as a cult... but isn't it more like a cult so seclude yourself to people of the same believes as you. It seems to me jehovah witnesses are the opposite of a cult.
we all going to hell anyways but i'm hoping since i only play healers that i can receive a little salvation

in all seriousness i was forced to go to a non denominational christian church until i was 16 and i think it had a reverse effect on me, i do believe that their are higher powers i just have no idea what (thank you LSD)

but i don't buy into any religion i just try to live my life right and do good things and hope it pays off
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So if I'm understanding this correctly, you condone the gathering of religious people to meet once a week and discuss similar ideas drink food sing songs? trust me I am by no means religious but I do believe in communities and being around people who share your beliefs in being a very healthy way to live your life your wife isn't forcing you to go man up and tell her church isn't for you and you would rather spend Sunday mornings in your basement playing wow and making religious threads. You also try to defend Jehovah witnesses but they have never been anything but rude and forceful when trying to approach me, one even tried to put a hat on my head and hug me when I was 17 (yikes), but no religion shouldn't have to strive off walking door to door like a sales person if your religion was real people would find it by them selves. I don't know if this thread was real but Ciren this takes the thread as one of your most dumb fuck posts I've ever seen congratulations for raising the bar, and I hope your critical thinking, thought process and reasoning improve a lot before your and your wife's baby come into this world, there is nothing worse then religious parents who push shit on their kid, pce
I could never be with a religious girl, or an atheist one, equally as illogical.
im sure there are plenty of points in church. the full stops in all the bibles, the tip of the pens they use to write on, and the red dot from the laser pointer to the projector screen, for example
Just go to church with your best friend mate, you don't have to participate. 1 hour per week won't hurt ya
IIRC, It was written in the bible that god (or at least the guy claiming to be speaking for god) requires followers to build places of worship, thus the point of going to church is that god says you have to. I was forced to go to regular Christian churches until I was a teenager. I'm not sure exactly if the new testament for Christians differs from whatever it is that Jehova's witnesses use though.

I think all religions brought forth a very problematic way of thinking in that many people believe in "pure" evil or "pure" good. This is incorrect. There is both good and bad in all things.

Side note: I'm glad this kind of discussion is allowed once again.
Just go to church with your best friend mate, you don't have to participate. 1 hour per week won't hurt ya
While my personal opinions differ greatly in regards to religion. I agree with this, you married her knowing what you were getting into, you dug your grave, lay in it or get out of the graveyard.
Most actions are 'pointless' if you analyse them enough. The point of church is that some people find comfort or enjoyment in attending, which is nice :)
Church is boring as hell. I attended one Christmas Communion or w/e it's called for the hype when I was like 12. Afterwards I attended church one more time, but that was for something called "Confirmation", the "entering adulthood ceremony" or whatever. I only did it for gifts and a party. :( I asked my parents if we could skip the whole church thing, but nah. Was more of a traditional experience than a religious one though.

TL;DR: I, personally, find church boring af. and stopped going after having experienced it 2 times.

Oh yeah, and I am probably also the least religious person you can find, so there's that too I guess.
Most actions are 'pointless' if you analyse them enough. The point of church is that some people find comfort or enjoyment in attending, which is nice :)
Indeed most people find comfort in rituals. I've recently started to find it quite curious.
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