Choosing the right 29 twink


Hey guys. I've been debating between 19-29 twinks and which one I should roll. I have 2 19 twinks at the moment and am a little tired of the 19 bracket to say the least. I'm considering making a new twink in the 29 bracket. My only issue is I'm having trouble picking the right class for me. I want to stay away from both hunters and rogues. My only issue now though I want something that won't get one shot by a SS ambush by a rogue and won't get kited into neverland by a hunter. So in your opinion what is a solid twink in the 25-29 bracket. All help greatly appreciated.
holy pally or a disc priest, anything else is pretty much hunter bait unless it has a healer behind it
My very first twink was a pally, back then it was beast, I'd go with pally/priest heal or mage/hunter/shammy ranged.
If you want a decent shot at eating hunters make a goblin enhancement shaman.
i would wait on a 29.

MOP based on new talents/spell earning (still subject to change) is changing near everything and making some classes imo worthless to twink at low levels. disc priest talent "renew: is getting taken away and given to holy priests...imo...making holy the way to go. rogues lose cheap shot, vanish and shadowstep. looking at other changes appears a H-priest, hunter, R-sham, mage, and H or P pal will be the way to go
rogues lose cheap shot, vanish and shadowstep.

anything of value gained?
appears blizzard is totally nerfing rogues at low levels to gimp status....seriously from what i see on Talent Calculator - Game Guide - World of Warcraft! sort of the same thing they did to low level warriors after WOTLK. in CATA even my 39 warrior was trash

my 29 rogue loses
- instant poison going to lvl-30
- cheap shot going to lvl-32
- vanish going to lvl-34
- backstab going to lvl-40 and only for sub-spec which makes no sense IMO, why assa-spec (the dagger spec per blizz) doesn't have it
- shadowstep going to lvl-60, if selected

appears i will be benching my 19 rogue and 29 rogue in a short wait and see mode. the 19 will be a bank alt like it was in WOTLK, the 29 will go into leveling BGs and deleted at one point more than likely.
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It's very unlikely that 29s will ever see the light of day again. Several people (really the only people) who have stuck around through LK/Cata gave given up on WoW, so the community has grown even smaller than imaginable.

One can hope though.
my 29 rogue is from sep 2007, one of three 29's i built at the same time. my 29 hunter and paladin i made a 70 twink in late WOTLK, because i had too many players doing nothing.

i miss the days when players qued AB, and didn't whine about having no mounts.

20-29 in 2007 was actually larger at one time than 10-19 (which was rather impressive too) on RUIN battlegroup. that was due to all the level-20 twinks that got shafted when bracket went from 10-20 to 10-19.

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