Bwappo said:
Charged gears are one of the worst farming experiences I've heard of, beyond Revelosh and (at the time) Sunken Temple.
I'd happily add BRD Coffer-jewelry to that list (and now that from what I heard the keys have to be used in the same run as they drop as they disappear the moment you Zone out, I shudder to think how awful the grind now must be). Revelosh isn't too bad as it's the first Boss and quite possibly soloable (was during WotLK, and from others I heard he's currently at 39 perfectly doable as well.)
On my (P2P) toons I had about 80 Gnomer runs combined, during which three Charged Gears dropped, one Of the Owl and two Of the Bear (the ones I was looking for). One of those was needed away by a Rogue, the other by a Mage, which is one of the reasons I enjoy Tanking in LFD so much, the crappy Loot system makes it all so very worthwile.
The only thing I can tell you for sure...gnomer sucks. $@%# gnomer.
Gnomeregan was oodles of fun to me (up to and including the teleporting gizmo for Horde toons) , it's the Groups and other game features that made it less than fun at times.
Though of course I'm hardly the world's biggest Gnomophobe, and so pretty biased where Gnomes are concerned.
But to get back to the topic at large:
esp. for 25-29 I'd go for other Rings/Jewelry instead, it turns out 4.0.3. offered alternative bread-crumbs to several Questlines so e.g. Dancing with Grimtotems may no longer require you to trudge through the whole of southern Ashenvale and the Stonetalons anymore.