Chardev 19 CC Mage

Mrcer said:
Wrong....both of you.

It's not a exploit, anyone can do it and anyone can get it. Your just to lazy to try it and figure it out yourself.

I was rp on a RP server on my Warrior so some of my gear isn't on. My warrior still has his belt. Check for yourself again.

Just because 'anyone can do it and anyone can get it' doesn't make it any less of an exploit. If you've got level 60 satchel loot, there's obviously something not right about that picture.

Don't come in here posting, asking how you should gear and then get defensive when someone calls you out on exploited gear. If you were so adamant on having that belt from the beginning, you really shouldn't have posted.
Max stam CC Mage:

• Bright boots

• another AGM

And I thought mages couldn't use daggers?

I was pretty sure BiS CC was Nightwatch shortsword for mages. o_O
They can use daggers. . .
Eliot said:
They can use daggers. . .

Time to throw all the Nightwatch Shortswords we farmed outta the guild bank... ;_;
Firetruckk said:
Just because 'anyone can do it and anyone can get it' doesn't make it any less of an exploit. If you've got level 60 satchel loot, there's obviously something not right about that picture.

Don't come in here posting, asking how you should gear and then get defensive when someone calls you out on exploited gear. If you were so adamant on having that belt from the beginning, you really shouldn't have posted.

Maybe you should fail less because it's not even an exploit, anyone can get it, it's not that hard. It's not even close to an exploit because if it was I would have been reported ages ago. It's a BiS item. Stop posting here if you have nothing else to say besides u being all anal about the belt.
Mrcer said:
Maybe you should fail less because it's not even an exploit, anyone can get it, it's not that hard. It's not even close to an exploit because if it was I would have been reported ages ago. It's a BiS item. Stop posting here if you have nothing else to say besides u being all anal about the belt.

Wow... I just checked the armory on Çer... give me tips please. :O
-Vortalex- said:
Wow... I just checked the armory on Çer... give me tips please. :O

As he stated before, he pretty much isn't telling anyone tips or how to obtain the BiS Belt. Looks like I need to do some testing and see what comes up.
It apears so. I wanna see how this goes down. Keep me posted.(lol don't actualy keep me posted, Ill just check the thread every now and then. You gotta admit though, "keep me posted" is a pretty cool line to say. Its like when your playing a war game, or in a crime show, when the protagonist has just found out something from HQ via the radio or mobile phone, and they say "Thanks <name>, keep me posted, <Protagonist> out". Man, it always sounds so damn cool when they say that. oh well, guess I better close the brackets and finish this post). Caulfield Out.
Mrcer said:
Hey guys, Just trying to make a 19 CC mage, was wondering what gear i was supposed to be looking for and I came up with this so far:

character planner . 19ccmage -

Also was wondering if Troll > BE

Thankies :)

first, its nice to see a mage twink, but maybe i was saying this because i am on a shitty battlegroup and never saw much, hench, i dont have any bg's anymore over a year

ontopic, Why not get the ring from deadmines with +intellect and hit rating instead of seal of sylvanas?

the heirloomtrinkets for casters gives you +inttelect, if you got blink (this is just an idea, i dont know if you got blink, because i dont have another twink then Forfeit) , then i guess you dont need the insignia of the horde and the amg, maybe the amg for extra health, but still, the trinkets are worth to check out though.

tbh troll or bloodelf doesnt really matter right guys? troll get the racial for haste, but i would pick the bloodelf for magic resistance and arcane torrent. (this is just speculations, i dont have another twink then Forfeit)

altho, since you wanted to make a CC mage.... the haste racial could be nice so you could cast polymorph faster.
*Fights urge to ask about belt* I would go with Blood elf, silence on offence heals could come in handy. Could be more useful then the extra haste... although faster polymorphs.. >_>
the belt is possible to get.

Nuff Said.
Wouldnt you get the belt same way of getting into Holiday events?

Que up for Diremaul or w/e instance you want the loot from with like 5 (insert Level for instance here) you as party Leader kick one /invite your 19 twink he cant zone in but hell still recieve Satchel.
Soberlolz said:
Wouldnt you get the belt same way of getting into Holiday events?

Que up for Diremaul or w/e instance you want the loot from with like 5 (insert Level for instance here) you as party Leader kick one /invite your 19 twink he cant zone in but hell still recieve Satchel.

If that was how he did it then he'd have satchel gear from all brackets, not just 60. What I'm really curious about is how it ended up being mail for a warrior, my 39 shammy would love some leather satchel gear.
Ok I'm gonna get off topic here (actually on topic since this was obviously a showcase of his priviledged knowledge) it seems most likely to me that obtaining the lvl57 belt has to do with the fact that they have the same item name in the 19 bracket as they do at higher ones, they just have upgraded stats. Deleting them and then ticketing a GM is an obvious exploit so there must be some other way of obtaining them (obviously glitched, but I'm not here to split hairs) maybe greater minds than mine can figure it all out.

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