Chaos bolt crit/vers!?!


Does anyone know how crit affects chaos bolt at 29? I.e. 1%crit = how much extra damage on chaos bolt? Is it worth running versatility enchants on cloak, neck and rings over crit? Would be nice to see some solid calculations and what the damage difference would be in the 29 bracket. If you could help out with this and give any information on the subject I would greatly appreciate it :)
I didn't made the calculations but technically raw crit enchants should really boost chaos bolts damage, not the crit % in versa stats imo.
Versa will increase your overall dps output in all spells where as crit would specifically increase your CB damage. Hence why I defo choose crit + haste build on destro lock instead of versa.
I can't really give you the exact numbers because I haven't really tested versa, but with my current build. I was getting 1300 - 1400 chaos bolts during bg's

Even the slightest bit of crit I can notice a difference in the chaos bolts.. Which is why I didn't even test versa..
I'm asking about crit and vers in this case. I want to know the damage difference between these two stats with the enchants that are available for neck, cloak and rings.

Neither one is going to matter one iota if you can't manage to get a Chaos Bolt cast off. It has a 3 second base cast time. Haste scales better with spells that have longer cast times, and since the entire play style of Destro revolves around getting embers, more casts = more embers = more Chaos Bolts. That's where haste comes in and why haste scales the best. It's also the best stat for just about any caster or healer (with a few exceptions).

Wurlockz @ Ursin - Community - World of Warcraft is an example of a haste stacking destro lock.
Does anyone know how crit affects chaos bolt at 29? I.e. 1%crit = how much extra damage on chaos bolt? Is it worth running versatility enchants on cloak, neck and rings over crit? Would be nice to see some solid calculations and what the damage difference would be in the 29 bracket. If you could help out with this and give any information on the subject I would greatly appreciate it :)

hey congrats on your recent stv chest sniping! (warlock)
Hijacking this thread quickly.

Hi there, how do you see destro atm? I played alot of lock in mop but kinda switched to mage in wod, are they still viable?

They're fun. Big chaos bolts! however, get ready to be targeted all day long. They are awesome in AV, when in a pack or in a premade. doing a wrsg pug is almost never fun for me... ferals :(
They're fun. Big chaos bolts! however, get ready to be targeted all day long. They are awesome in AV, when in a pack or in a premade. doing a wrsg pug is almost never fun for me... ferals :(
Thanks for the answer!

Hehe, this is why I play goblin! to get rid of these nasty little hobbitses (ferals, lol doesn't make sense just go with it)
.1769% Critical Strike= 1 Critical Strike Rating
.1497% Vers= 1 Vers Rating

70 vers will increase your DMG 10.48% 100% the time
70 Critical Strike rating will increase your dmg 50% 12.38% of the time
Hijacking this thread quickly.

Hi there, how do you see destro atm? I played alot of lock in mop but kinda switched to mage in wod, are they still viable?

They're fun if you get a hold of a healer to run around with you. literally just tried out haste today compared to crit, I find it completely garbage tbh, I don't care about 1v1 in any way however, I'm completely focussed on sitting in the back lines of a BG and free casting, I've found my burst severely hampered by going full haste. It does help getting casts off but when applied to my play style I found crit felt much much better. I dropped from getting 1.4-1.9k chaos bolts to 1.1-1.5 on average without berserker. I will conduct some tests on full vers enchants with haste gear and crit gear and mention my results here. But I think in the end I'll be moving back to crit.

But try a lock out for yourself. If you get a healer like I said I think you'll find it quite fun.
.1769% Critical Strike= 1 Critical Strike Rating
.1497% Vers= 1 Vers Rating

70 vers will increase your DMG 10.48% 100% the time
70 Critical Strike rating will increase your dmg 50% 12.38% of the time

This doesn't take into consideration that Chaos Bolt's damage is affected by crit which is what OP was asking about
This doesn't take into consideration that Chaos Bolt's damage is affected by crit which is what OP was asking about

I've given up on anyone being able to give me clear consice numbers about this haha.

I don't do damage spreadsheets and am not amazing with maths like some people on here. But I will continue to test things for myself and in the end give my opinions as to what I like and do not like running stat wise on my warlock.

Seems to me it's a rather underplayed class at 29 for obvious reasons, but hopefully I can give some insight on what I find is best through practical testing and not just numbers on a graph. Hopefully in the end I can come up with some good results to share with people.

I'll post on here again as to my next test, I'll continue with haste for a while and make sure it's as I believe and then I will move onto vers and perhaps a mixed set afterwards with balanced secondary stats.
I've given up on anyone being able to give me clear consice numbers about this haha.

I don't do damage spreadsheets and am not amazing with maths like some people on here. But I will continue to test things for myself and in the end give my opinions as to what I like and do not like running stat wise on my warlock.

Seems to me it's a rather underplayed class at 29 for obvious reasons, but hopefully I can give some insight on what I find is best through practical testing and not just numbers on a graph. Hopefully in the end I can come up with some good results to share with people.

I'll post on here again as to my next test, I'll continue with haste for a while and make sure it's as I believe and then I will move onto vers and perhaps a mixed set afterwards with balanced secondary stats.

All you really have to do is get all crit enchants and see your chaos bolt damage and get all vers enchants and see chaos bolt damage. But vers would also benefit your other spells but I guess you just care about the big burst from chaos bolt.
I find crit to be a wonderful stat because critting your incinerates/conflags DRAMATICALLY increases your ember generation. my 38% crit lock rarely casts one chaos bolt at a time ^^

I DO run with a Warsong enchant, though. Haste is a wonderful stat, but I myself enjoy a crit heavy gear selection.

Yeah I tested out vers today and didn't like it, giving haste one last chance then going back full crit.

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