Changing Faction


Hey everyone, I'm am new to this forum (was told to visit this site by my guild). I have multiple twinks and have been twinking characters of all different classes and level brackets for around 2 and half years now. I am very interested in this option of faction / race change! I currently play as a gnome rogue on the PvP server Firetree.

My question to everyone is what would be my best choice of server transfer if I did in fact go through with this faction / race change (assuming with this faction change I also got to transfer servers).

I am very active in my current guild and plan on transfering one of my 80s with my twink to help whatever guild I end up in. My character is almost what one would consider to be a "perfect twink." I have 2 assassin's blades and 2 shadowfangs as well as all the best gear for my class. I currently have around 10k honorable kills lifetime with around 15 days played time on this particular twink... so I am by no means new to twinking!

Basically the advice I am looking for would be:

1) What is the best horde race for my rogue?

2) What would be the best server (I forsure would want to transfer to a PvP server) that would have a large and active 19 twink community as well as not so long WSG Queue times?

Thanks for your support in helping me out with my transfer!
I would Say BE/UD for the Talents

And US - Medivh and EU - Chamber of Aspects i heard was good
Mylo5 said:
I currently have around 10k honorable kills lifetime with around 1 days played time on this particular twink...

1) What is the best horde race for my rogue?

2) What would be the best server (I forsure would want to transfer to a PvP server) that would have a large and active 19 twink community as well as not so long WSG Queue times!

im sure the first thing i quoted was a typo. 1 day?


1) go UD for will of the forsaken, or BE for the AoE silence, or orc for bezerking. I prefer UD.

2) Somewhere in Ruin or Cyclone, medivh for twinkinfo the guild :D
Omgimarogue said:
im sure the first thing i quoted was a typo. 1 day?


1) go UD for will of the forsaken, or BE for the AoE silence, or orc for bezerking. I prefer UD.

2) Somewhere in Ruin or Cyclone, medivh for twinkinfo the guild :D

Haha thanks for that, I meant to say 15 days not 1 (obviously :p)

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