raid call is a separate program like ventrillo, not an addon.Is raid call a WoW addon? Meaning it's functions are in game as opposed to ventrilo which is a separate program?
raid call is a separate program like ventrillo, not an addon.Is raid call a WoW addon? Meaning it's functions are in game as opposed to ventrilo which is a separate program?
I hope you're rolling a caster, since all melee are nerfed if you read the post. Otherwise you're waiting for nothing.I'll probably check this out next year. I can't be bothered grinding boas.
I hope you're rolling a caster, since all melee are nerfed if you read the post. Otherwise you're waiting for nothing.
I hope you're rolling a caster, since all melee are nerfed if you read the post. Otherwise you're waiting for nothing.
no the only nerfs are the ones that are posted.enh too?
I hope you're rolling a caster, since all melee are nerfed if you read the post. Otherwise you're waiting for nothing.
Didnt mean to confuse. Nerf damage to balance damage. Wasnt implying they're bad or anything.Nerfs didn't seem too excessive to me. I am sure the intent is to balance damage not nerf melee to the ground.
Didnt mean to confuse. Nerf damage to balance damage. Wasnt implying they're bad or anything.
korgath horde really needs healers only thing holding it back from games.
Thanks for the info, when I get some free time I'll roll there, mostly for the WPVP
I assume as horde, Westfall would be good.. What about Alliance?
What about Alliance?
Might reinstall WoW to give this another go.
Did everyone switch to Horde now on Korgath or is there a great deal of Alliance? I'd hate to have to remake my Priest.