Champions of Ulduar (Third swing)


So if some of you are veterans to the 80-85 bracket from back in early cata you know who we are probably.

Not the biggest guild but we stay true to who we are and what we aim for.

We haven't exactly been the best in activity & stability but what guild is that starts out who knows not one soul who joins.

I and We have new goals. I say this because if your not on the same page as me you probably won't be welcome here. I am no dictator, but I will not be persuaded easily.

I wrote this in notepad about 3 days ago with some hard thinking over the past 9 months. So here it is. If anything seems out of order or seems a bit odd point it out and I will correct it.

My Goals for Champions of Ulduar this time around:

Description of what has been happening with CoU and why its had long absences or inactivity.

I will come clean on this one. Let me start back in spring. We were starting off pretty well withs ome dedicated solid members in marh going to early april. I wasn't expecting to move but the landlord made us mov eout asap so I had no warning and had to leave it. This caused financial issues as I had to find a new house within a week and it wasn't exactly affordable. I lived there for about 2 1/2 months before I was able to get out of there and find a more affordable place. I did, fairly cheap and very nice in fact. Anyways, I started cou back up since nobody decided to take up leadership in my absence. It was a bit rougher attempting to start up again but some real progression happened this time. We lasted about 2 1/2 months again when I'd lost my job. Again nobody wanted to take up leadership so it died again.

This is the third and final swing for CoU. I have a way more stable life. I'

m gonna be honest right now. My lease in this place ends on january 17th, I hate my roommates, and I work afternoons-midnight. This guild is going to go under some heavy changes but it will work a promise.

As I said, its the third and final swing for CoU. If it fails again with no leadership in my absence if needed, its downright impossible to get members to attend raids with no recruits incoming with months ongoing, or the group just is absolutely terrible...CoU will disband...for good.

I will not say names, but I will say that we have a few vets from all the way back from the first signatures of the guild creation still in the guild and ready to go.

So heres the goals I have in mind. They are descriptive in their own ways:

A) Raiding


C) "Other"

A) Raiding

1. The guild will still be following through gear-progression. I still cant come up with a better term than that over the last 9 months.

2. Raid times will be changed and we will 'attempt' to have 2 permenant groups. Both consisting of mains/alts. The reason being is that we are going to have 2 very distinct & different times for the 2 raid groups. The times for the first group will be 11:30pm - 2:30am thurs/fri/sat. The times for the second group will be 5:30 - 10pm tues/wed. As you can see both groups are different in days and times. Both are intended to be just 10m at the start but are welcomed to grow into 25m.

3. We will be ALOT more strict on attendance, punctuality, and performance.

A. Attendance meaning if you absent for one raid that week, your loot privelages are gone for 7 days total from the moment you step into a raid the next time you attend.

B. Punctuality meaning 10 minutes late and you just lost all lost privelages for the night. Much later than that and you arent welcome to raids that week. The only time we'll have sympathy for any excuse in this manner is if someone just died that was dear to you. We feel we should not be punished for your life, the raid/guild does not revolve around you.

C. Performance meaning if your DPS is absolutely horrid for your class/ will be punished for it. Again your excuse means nothing to us. If a loved one just shouldn't even be raiding that day, I know I wouldn't. We aren't asses about judging your character & skill, but we do know what to expect. Coming from someone who's been playing for a little over 5 years now has the knowledge of what each class & spec can pull in about any situation, also helps that I have raided on every class in the game with just about every spec as well. Again, we aren't going to be asses about judgement, but we do know what to expect in your situation of gear/skill/spec, dont play us for stupid and we won't do the same.


1. We are going to take recruitment more seriously now. Over the last 9 months of being a leader of a guild that was one of the first of its kinds its been a bit difficult to monitor how the community of twinking and wow itself would react. At first it was negative, but it grew on to people and I believe influenced quite a bit in the end.

2. With that being said, we are going to start looking for people who 'fit in' with us. The current members who've been members since the beginning and who have just joined us have grown onto our personalities. Each one of the members here represent themselves in a manner of their own. Thats not to say each one of us are robots (don't even...) who act and talk the same way, but the best way to explain this is back in high school we all had a group of friends. Big or small it made no different, you had each one in the group who was interested in different things, who acted different. Maybe one was the 'ladies man', one might've been a straight A a-hole. One was the nice sweet square. And the last might've been a bowl smoking hippie. That all said, we represent ourselves and we all communicate and think on the same level.

A. I carried that out to long so I'm gonna explain in sections. If you take jokes to lightly, dont understand some of our inside jokes instantly, or are just plain offended by our humor...certainly we wouldn't want to hurt your feelings and we don't want to change for one member of the guild. Sorry, your just not welcome here

B. Plain & simple right here, ages 19+. Any suspicion of you not being that or above age and you will be instantly removed from the guild with no warning. We're tired of monitoring teenagers who have to much going on and to much to prepare for the real world. We're not here to babysit you, we're here to raid with you and expect the same. Being in school (outside of college) means you have to usually go to bed to early...speaking...10pm maybe 11pm. Not all do but for the majority. And the scratchy voices that haven't hit puberty yet. Again, we're not here to babysit you

C. Written applications are gone, for good. We're still going to maintain a good portion of the questions we held, but instead we expect you to have a mic and on ventrilo for your 'interview'. If your mute, deaf, or just can't afford a aren't welcome here. By all means enjoy the life you have, but we just don't want the difficulties of adapting to yours. Apologies for anyone I offended who might be deaf or mute.

1. I wanted to elaborate on this a bit more. Yes we will expect you to have ventrilo, and a mic. We want to hear, and know who we are speaking to. We expect you to also be on wow, ready to run a few randoms with us with your 80 toon or 85 if we so presume, depending on the situation. If you have an 85 of that class/spec, damn better expect us to have you in our group with that toon in raid finder so we can see how you perform.

2. We'll be watching for things in both ventrilo and in-game about how you react to certain points in the conversation, perhaps maybe I'll make a mistake on purpose in-game either large or small to see if you notice them and how you react. Perhaps I'll strike a conversation with a random pug member that would rather offend a normal person or them to see how you react. I wont tell you how I'll react to certain points in this as I'd basically be giving you the answers to a test now wouldn't I?

3. If at any time theres absolute difficulty obtaining a mic, getting on ventrilo on time, or staying on ventrilo your chances are practically shot. This falls under attendance & punctuality.

4. The entire recruitment process for one member alone will at least take one week to confirm they're included and up to 2-3 weeks if necessary. This may seem like a long time, but the reward for finding great loyal & responsible members is greater than the wait. If this is just something you cannot do, please, save yourself the time and just find yourself somewhere else. This alone proves that if you can up to a week or two waiting for confirmation on joining then you can tolerate wiping 5-6 times on a boss for either stupid mistakes or absolute terrible RNG. It also proves that your mature, stand out from the crowd, and have great patience. This does not mean leave your inbox (in-game or email) unattended for more than 12 hours, but it certainly does mean we expect you to show you actually want to be a part of this guild.

C) "Other"

1. Expanding our views is something we've talked about since week one. This meaning to other parts of the game. When will we will approach 85 content? Are we gonna clear everything in ulduar before we touch ToC? What about achievements? None of this is 100% decided but if you've known about CoU long enough or done some extensive research you'll know what we have in mind so far and most of that hasn't changed as far as what I've written here about clears and achievements.

A. Cataclysm content is something I've thought about expanding to for a few different reasons. One being that being a part of a guild to me means sharing moments in the game in all spectres. From leveling, to pvping, to raiding. Raiding being anywhere from 60-85. This all adding up to the fact that forming some max level groups for entertainment purposes. We aren't heading for server first, and it must not conflict with our current goals, which at this time are raiding 80 content. I will be strict about 85 content as much as 80.

B. How we will attempt to cataclysm content by storm is not decided yet. Whether it be doing the same as 80, meaning starting from the bottom of normals-heroics-tier 11 normals - tier 11 heroics - etc. It all seems great, but doing that while 85 content in its current form would be tough. Not to say we wont try it, it will prove to be difficult. In saying that we will only take our most loyal and dedicated members to 85 content and we will have fixed times for one group. These members will and must be the shining descendants of paragon itself (this isn't literal but you get the point).

C. In talking about all this 85 content, we aren't expecting anyone to join just yet. As I said only the most loyal & dedicated members will be taken into our 85 group. Pre-existing experience with us in the 80 bracket (pve not pvp...such a mistaken term) is required and even then its not guranteed. We don't want people to think of this as an elite club or anything, but we certainly aren't going to let it be judged by the ignorrant members who think they immediately have what we expect.

2. PvP is always welcome here, but just remember we are focused at pve. Same rules apply as before. If its raid time in 15 min and your BG or arena is looking to take longer, spare yourself the pain, leave now, and dont be late for the raid. We dont care what your excuse is.

3. Most people on here and in WoW know me for being a push over. To some people I'm not, but most see me as that. That changes, now. As you can see I'm not going to tolerate it anymore for just letting people slide off the guild and let the main tank just go play with his 85 friends because he didn't feel like wiping on what he thinks is an 'easy' boss because he never did it in naxx gear when it was actually difficult back in its current patch cycle. We are weeding those members out as of now and we won't be tolerating anymore. This is why our interview process is taking a dramatic swing.

As you can see we are taking a wild swing here, but we've been wussies and take to much of the communities crap for what we might call 'recruitment'. We aren't here to be your alt parking guild, we aren't here to babysit you and teach you how to play your class. There are websites and training dummies and HELL even the dungeon finder is there too! OMG! So use your resources well, we use ours. We aren't expecting you to be perfect, but we are expecting you to be equivelant if not better than us, cause we know we're not perfect but we know people who can play a hell of a lot better than us as well.

The best way to explain what we're doing is that I'm treating this almost as if it were a business. If you were running a business you wouldn't want to hire some lazy employee who would be late to work 15 minutes every day and have somewhere to be 15 minutes early. You wouldn't want to hire someone who would just say to a customer "Hey my shift ended, sorry he can help you now" or, "Hey the store is closing down, you gotta leave ma'am come back tomorrow and I'll help you." No, if your raiding and we're very close, say one more attempt and the boss is down, we expect you to spare that time to do it. One of the best ways to tell if someone is actually one of these people who will just bail when his shift ends is he will instantly log off in the raid itself right at end raid time. He won't even spare himself the 10 minutes to gem, or enchant his gear at dalaran or a major city. That right there, shows either 2 things. 1) His wife/girlfriend must be really pissed or horny, or 2) He really doesn't care if he's in this guild or not.

I've said enough, This guild is rising from the ashes one last time, and its not going down without a fight, prepare to box with me kiddies, I don't go down to easily.

And 100% serious. I am no dick, but I am no pushover.
Fyi I'm also having trouble getting logged if you can't speak to me I have mobile armory up with guild chat. So I'm not 100% sure if you can whisper me through there without being in the guild, should be in later tonight.

If anyone wants to add me in skype pm me and I'll see if I "approve"
Nahahaha....Proved u wrong thar didnt I...

I'm just playin.

Yes if you need to contact me I can usually be available if I'm not in-game I will be on mobile. I'm not 100% sure if I can recieve a whisper if your not in guild
Unfortunately I'm not going to answer your question until you give me the following

Item level your asking about:



This way I can pinpoint my memory on it if I ever witnessed it
lol you cant just give me a they do more than 4k or something?

fine item lvl 200-219 caster classes lvl 80.....

why would i have to ask for lvl lol
lol you cant just give me a they do more than 4k or something?

fine item lvl 200-219 caster classes lvl 80.....

why would i have to ask for lvl lol
lol you cant just give me a they do more than 4k or something?

fine item lvl 200-219 caster classes lvl 80.....

why would i have to ask for lvl lol

I could, but then if I was wrong because I didnt give you a specific class or spec you wanted then I'd be wrong...

200-219 I've seen upwards of 4.5k. normally its around 3k. Terribads will do 1-2k.

In cata gear I can pull about 8.9k with no alchemy trinket, enchants, or gems and its not even full blues.

In hunter its about 7-8k last I checked.

I really depends on the player/class/spec once you start getting past 264 ilevel. Its hard to judge an average.
lol you cant just give me a they do more than 4k or something?

Because it isn't quite specific enough. Different gear levels will have different benchmarks for bad.

Incidentally, pay no mind to the stats in my sig. That toon has crap for gear atm.
Your sig looks terrible, is it supposed to be bad quality?
I just wanted to inform everybody we'll be continuing our group 1 progression from ulduar further. This starts on january 12th for the thurs/fri/sat group.

We currently dont have enough toons to use the group 2 times (tues/wed), but when we do we'll start that immediately.

We're still looking to fill our group, if you want to join bring what you want, please do not ask what we need. If we dont need what you want you'll find out.

Nothing bugs me more than having someone ask me what we need. If you want to play in this guild, play for your sake, not ours. In saying that, that means we need everything...dont ask. If you do, you'll get no response back
have alot of intrest in your guild with it being on US servers, what time zone is your guild in, well suppose i could make a toon on that server and check. only problem i see is i raid on my 85 thurs/sunday. will have to do a bit more checking before i transfer my 80 toon over. is my 80 (hunter) (my main is this name in reverse same guild same class)

i have a 226/232 ilvl herald set, full cata BIS slot ilvl 308 and been working on my icc set, think im sitting at ilvl 272 in that

did check your server is on central timezone (same as where i live) and with your late raid times i could raid with my 85 guild and still make it to your raid as well.
Alright, whenever your ready to come over. Right now the guild is pretty blank, but thats because we haven't picked up. Once we get into raiding more you'll see people on AT LEAST 5 days a week for at least 3 or more hours at prime time or late night. The morning/afternoon is pretty much everybody at work. I personally work from 3pm-12am so I usually dont go to sleep til 3-4am and wake up about 1pm. (I'm in mountain time zone so subtract all those hours by 1.)

But yeah, we could use a hunter. I'm going to leak a little secret here in about a couple weeks about an addition to our raid teams. So in essence we'll have 3 full time teams going on.

Axio...if you tell...I'll kill you

I also see your an alliance. So I just want to give you a courtesy info

Its 25$ for the server transfer, & 30$ for the faction change. So thats a total of 55$. If your more than willing to put that into it please be my guest, or you could do 25$ for server transfer & use heirlooms. Or level up fresh.

Up to you, as I said I'd just figure I give you some courtesy info in case you weren't aware.

I'd also like to do what I call a "skype hangout/meeting"

Basically if you don't have skype install it. If you don't or refuse to install it I'm going to assume your not interested in the guild. We will have ventrilo but for one on one's or a group of 3-4 people I like to use skype. The reason I would use ventrilo for just hanging out would be if there was 5 or more people due to skype does not have push to talk.

During this skype conversation I'd like you to set aside about 3-4 hours about 2-3 times this upcoming week. Can be any day, must be past 10pm server time (central). I'd prefer you to be off your guild vent so pick nights when your not raiding. I'll probably have one of our other guild members if not 2 join the conversation. Its as I said in my recruiting adjustment, I want to make sure you can "click" with the group. I'd prefer you do this prior to transferring your toon.

Some things you can expect to be discussed & expected of you during this conversation

- Be yourself

- If you don't have anything nice to say besides a hint of sarcasm please dont say it

- Know when to stop talking, know when to talk, and basically this goes along with clicking with the group

- Probably 3-5 dungeons both cata & wotlk

- Just a discussion of what you like to do outside of wow. No I won't ask how many times you masturbate, no I wont ask what you had for lunch yesterday. The basics of what I might ask are if you maybe have kids, maybe a significant other, maybe a steady job, how long you've been playing wow for, just basic things that you would use in a normal small talk conversation with any individual among this planet earth

- No more than 30 minutes of inactivity in skype. Basically unless your having some serious bowel movements (in which we should maybe reschedule for another night) I cannot expect you to be gone from skype at all for more than 30 minutes. If you are, your chances are gone there.

- Of course have a microphone, some guilds don't enforce this but I do and we certainly will. All of our members have mic's and they use them well & efficiently. Dps call out things, tanks call out things, healers call out things. It all comes to play. Do we destroy vent in by all god means the nuke was a mouse squeak in comparison to our ventrilo? No of course not, thats why push to talk exists. If you don't have a mic, obtain one asap, if you can't then we can't accept you as a member until you do so

- If we do ask you to come to do dungeons your expected to perform your best, since I see you are in cata gear atm and you said you have herald & such gear a basic schedule you can make out for this

- Cata dungeon - Cata gear

- Cata dungeon - Lowest wotlk gear (herald, nothing above 226)

- Wotlk Dungeon - Cata gear

- Wotlk Dungeon - Lowest wotlk gear

The reasoning behind this is to get a feel for what you can accomplish in each situation, alot of the cata dungeons show potential for what you can do with certain mechanics. In BRC the first boss is stand die. Second boss is to see if you can multi-task on a basic level, the third boss is to see how your dps performs, the 4th boss like the third. And the 5th boss I'll test your kiting skills. This will occur in both gear sets

Alot of the wotlk dungeons have tons of aoe and I'll test the potential of that.

This all seems very strict I can imagine, but we have been light before in the past and we're only taking the truely dedicated members now, and we have them at the moment. If this is not something you can achieve then by all means please let me know so I dont have to look forward to speaking to you.

If this all sounds doable then by all means lets get started. I have a busy week but I can try to be as flexible as possible. Please let me know asap when you would like to do these meetings. I will be observing your punctuality & adherence to this. If your more than 15 minutes late to answer the call in skype or even log on you can count your chances gone unless your dog or a loved one was dying. I loved my mcd fries as well but when they're all over my floor during a raid encounter I can leave them there for 5 minutes and then inform my raid group what I'm doing.

When you have installed skype (or if you already have) please PM me with your skype user name along with the times you have would like to set for the meeting.

I can not take any meetings past the 1/7/12 as I'm actually moving into my new lease (apartment bleh). No, this isn't one of my previous moves where the world goes away and I disappear for 3 months. I'm actually just moving my room into that room. And this move is much closer & cleaner. At most I should be back into the world by the 10th, before continue raid times.

If anything I can skype you the meeting through my phone (I <3 my phone)

So with that novel written, let me know
I do need a response by thursday night in order for you to continue to be considered.

Do not take this as an angry or inconsiderate post, take this as a courtesy post to remind you so neither of us are suprised.
as of now i dont play my 80 all that much expect on the weekends with im done with LFR and normal guild raids, and didnt realize guild was horde so i would cost me 2x as much to move toon and faction change. atm short on cash with it being after the holidays so my toon isnt going anywhere to begin with.

never really played horde side and any of the toons i do have on horde never seem to have good experiences. i will keep you guys in mind if things change for me but for now i will either look for an alliance guild or just keep my 80 where he is.

do wish you guys the best of luck and all tho
Alright, have a good one

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