< Chaøs Theory > (Deathwing) recruiting

There is a similar thread posted in the NF forums, but it's worth repeating here.

We've recently got quite a few rerolls and transfers, and we're almost ready for 10s. We're looking for a few more good players to reroll or xfer over to round us out. We don't tell you what class to roll, but we could use a few rogues and locks, and maybe another healer or two.

Free 'nades and other forms of explosives, 39-applicable pots, and all the Rum you can drink. Semi-funding is a possiblity, and we have a guild enchanter with nearly all the pertinent 39 enchants (and most of the high level ones, if you decide to bring over a main).

Contact me (and any of my several toons: Rokåwn; Pýnk; Moonblayde; Sapphÿre; or Blaque, my main) or Stormin/Hotslug/Bearto) and let's talk.

Server is Deathwing (US), Nightfall battlegroup.
i would be interested in rolling a rogue......but would probably need a bit of help with funding.
Ugarak said:
i would be interested in rolling a rogue......but would probably need a bit of help with funding.

The good thing is that aside from enchants, rogues are relatively cheap, and even without BoAs, they can be effective.

Come talk to me (Moonblayde/Sapphyre/Rokawn/Pynk) or Bearto/Hotslug/Zoned/Yumminess.
ill hopefully be back in there once i sort some of my uni drama and shit out!

pro druid will be back soon
Fantasmic. We could use some Drood heals.

We have quite a few new recruits, but most only have 19s experience, and not many have any "twink only" experience.

I have a bad feeling a couple of them are in for a rude awakening, but hopefully they stick around after their baptism by fire in 39s.
ive got a lvl 39 rogue with a few twink items. how are the queue times for wsg and ab with exp disabeled?
Queue times are roughly 5-15 minutes Alliance side at best, worst being 15-30 minutes. It all depends on how many players are queuing on both sides.

Games hav been starting later the last few weeks (9 p.m. + Eastern time), but they've been going until about 4 a.m. Eastern time from what I hear (I'm old, so I don't stay up that late anymore).

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