CDL Twinkfest - 19s NA, Hosted by Tipsout. NEW UPDATE, 05/04/2020


There have been rumors, about who hosted the NA Season 1 Classic Dueling League that he was working on hosting a 19's Warsong Tournament.

Not much detail as been released yet, but I will use this thread to inform and keep those interested in participating in the event by updating it as new info releases.

Sign's Ups are open / public and I will go into that soon, first off we know that the event will be hosted in March, according to tipsout in this clip. Also when asked in his chat if guilds will require to have both factions he said yes.

Source: They have a spot on this page for the site reserved already for the event, as you can see their will be a Qualifiers Stage, a Regular Stage and then the Championships.

Remember no Rules or FAQ is yet available yet for this tournament so we are unsure on what the system will be.

As I said earlier in the thread that Sign's Ups on the CDL Discord is available and open to posting.

NEW UPDATE 4/23/2020

Updated: 4/23/2020

What are your thoughts on this potential event? What type of format would you like to see, ie Group Qualifiers, Point System.. Should the Regular Stages be BO1 or BO3 etc.


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Hoping they don't fuck up 10 man WSG queues with the AV changes.
Did change already take effect for AV? if so seems wsg was untouched. Way they worded it seems like only AV.
Hoping they don't fuck up 10 man WSG queues with the AV changes.

being able to face each other will still be possible, as it said in the thread

There will no longer be a number in the name of the battleground in the “Join Battle” screen.

as you can see in the screen there is a great difference between both which still will allow us all to still have prem vs prem in the futur. We only won't be able to actually get in #number Warsongs to help our fellow mates/guildies/friend that are in trouble in a battleground

No EU for now :(

No EU for now, right. But as Tips says.. The NA tournament is a trial tournament to see if it’s actually going to attract people and if it’s able to be successfull. So if this tournament doesnt get enough players it might never be organized again ever so EU never will have his tournament (since Twink Cup are always organized on NA)

I’m from EU and I’m trying my best to actually bring my team over to NA and I’d suggest anyone/guilds that actually can afford themself to actually roll on NA to be part of it.. The more, the better and if it’s successfull enough we’ll have it on EU

Also they way TipsOut is talking about « TwinkFest » let me think he wants to actually make it grown and is willing to bring that competition over to other brackets.. He clearly says « Twinkfest starting at lvl 19 twink ». So yeah if some 29-39 brackets player are looking at this thread and willing to have tournaments in their brackets, well, as I said above if you can afford yourself to roll 19.. Let’s try to do it for the better of this community.
good luck with this event and have fun and be safe!

hope nothing goes wrong lol

Biggest mistake so far is posting this event on XPOFF, like it even needs this communities participation, lol. Many folks here are just inclined to cause chaos for entertainment. Hope all goes well too.
Posted a source to where he says both factions might be required, also a small update of tipsout trying to form a rules committee with help of the community/bracket.

All can be found in the OP.
How many guilds actually have both factions? I feel like it's very rare that guilds are focusing on making two guilds let alone by March.
My guild finished are second faction on Alliance like week or so ago, minus few people still finishing leveling their twinks but for most part ready to rock n roll.

I know few other guilds already doing the same now and more pushing for it now with news of this tournament. But some were already doing it before this tournament was announced!
Tips OutToday at 17:42
Have a meeting this week to discuss and finalize format. Taking feedback in this channel so if theres something you want to see, let us know prior to our meeting thursday

That's what he said on the official discord CDL in the Twink Channel. We'll, it seems, get more info this week end

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