CC Human Mage

I would go BoA chest, or Tree Bark over Bloody Apron, otherwise, fine.
Drøød said:
Since Chardev is down, I'll just make a list, what do you think about this set?

Missing gear, enchants or something?

Lucky Fishing Hat

Thick Bronze Necklace

Tattered Dreadmist Mantle

Spidersilk Drape

Bloody Apron

Greenweave Bracers of Stamina

Magefist Gloves

Enumerated Wrap of Stamina

Darkweave Breeches

Spidersilk Boots

Seal of Wrynn

Lavishly Jeweled Ring

Arena Grand Master

Arena Grand Master

Night Watch Shortsword

Furbolg Medicine Pouch

Thanks in Advance,


Pious legwraps (+8stam +7spirit) instead of darkweave

+6 stamina boots (no need for spellpower in CC set)

magefist are fine but 4/4 eagles are slightly better

+8stam cape instead of spidersilk (again no need for spellpower)

Get your hit from a hit pot and maybe lavishly jewled ring if you feel like going with 10 hit (pot only) you can add another +5 stam with a blood ring

My suggestions will boost your HP by 110-160 with the loss of some spellpower and int (try to get arond 1300 mana the rest should be all stamina)
Magnetic said:
If you are focusing full stam yes, id rather have a balance.

There is no need for balance when making a CC set, your primary DPS is wanding and with the recent mana changes rank you can cast something like 30-40 frost bolts without going oom. 22int to weapon and the int you get from ring and gloves should be all you need, if you really need more int go with treebark jacket, no need for the spellpower items.
Grabco said:
There is no need for balance when making a CC set, your primary DPS is wanding and with the recent mana changes rank you can cast something like 30-40 frost bolts without going oom. 22int to weapon and the int you get from ring and gloves should be all you need, if you really need more int go with treebark jacket, no need for the spellpower items.

I am not talking about spellpower, but int/stam.

IMO. Tree Bark > Bloody Apron
Eh, make sure you can get hit capped without pots as not all premades allow them, also grand staff of Jordan is good for the hit and you still get 10 stam with it. But I definately agree that you should be stam stacking as much as you can
Magnetic said:
I am not talking about spellpower, but int/stam.

IMO. Tree Bark > Bloody Apron

Why as a CC mage you RARELY go OOM with 1k mana lol.
Normally, good CC mages I'm seeing around all stack HPs since you don't go oom casting few FB and FN around..
to get of stamina you equip an item that can get "of stamina" then go to the enchant page and use the drop down menu to find "of stamina"

Your chardev should be using Exquisite Sunderseer Shoulders, Greenweave Boots of Stamina, Pagan Mitts of the Eagle, seal of wrynn instead of lavishly jeweled. If you intending to get hit capped through gear then you should use Staff of Jordan and Spidersilk drape to get capped (well you'll be within 0.03% of the cap anyway). If you intend to use hit pots to cap then you should be using the Tumultuous Cloak of Stamina and the weapons you have equipped here.
Thanks for the response,

Updated the gear, tho I can't find Seal of Wrynn when trying to add a ring.

What about Glyphs/Talents?

for my Talents, thinking about:

5/5 Imp Frostbolt

3/3 Permafrost

2/3 Frostbite

Or should I go

5/5 Imp Frostbolt

3/3 Permafrost

2/3 Ice Floes

and on the Glyphs:

Glyph of Frost Nova

Glyph of Slow Fall

Drøød said:
I personally think that 2/3 Frostbite will be better, but I could use some experienced mage to advice me :)

I guess it depends on, if you want to rely on your frostbolt freezing them in place, or having a faster nova.
Drøød said:
I personally think that 2/3 Frostbite will be better, but I could use some experienced mage to advice me :)

There is actually quite a bit of math done on frost bite vs fingers of frost proc at 80 pvp this has to do with the proc chance of one vs the other, there is actually a reason why many top frost mages put 2/3 in Frostbite. at 19 my personal opinion is two fold. 3/3 makes a clutch freeze happen more often, a 1/3 would make a clutch freeze happen anyway. some people put 1 point in frostbite so their nova uptime is increased. you always want that chance so 1 point in frostbite is required, 3/3 permafrost is also good to provide maximum slow, of course reducing frostbolt to around 1.1-1.2 seconds is also good as well. My advice would be to respec often and play around with it.
Grabco said:
There is actually quite a bit of math done on frost bite vs fingers of frost proc at 80 pvp this has to do with the proc chance of one vs the other, there is actually a reason why many top frost mages put 2/3 in Frostbite. at 19 my personal opinion is two fold. 3/3 makes a clutch freeze happen more often, a 1/3 would make a clutch freeze happen anyway. some people put 1 point in frostbite so their nova uptime is increased. you always want that chance so 1 point in frostbite is required, 3/3 permafrost is also good to provide maximum slow, of course reducing frostbolt to around 1.1-1.2 seconds is also good as well. My advice would be to respec often and play around with it.

Dont forget the -20% healing that also comes with permafrost.

EDIT: Fail.
5/5 Imp Frostbolt

3/3 Permafrost

2/3 Frostbite

I'll go in depth if need be but I've done it 100 times before.

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