Cataclysm Twinking

Twinkzruz said:
He's "RIVALWILD! THE AMAZING MEXICAN TWINK WITH 8 POSTS!" You know, that guy from the forums with the posts that say things?

he's twinkzruz the amazing retard with a baseball bat inside his puppy's head
Rivfader said:
My rogue got master of WSG in exp off BG exclusively. If you play objectives and aren't afraid to run the flag you will get them all eventually.


Rivfader said:
My rogue got master of WSG in exp off BG exclusively. If you play objectives and aren't afraid to run the flag you will get them all eventually.

Were you only pugging or did you have a premade caliber team help escort you with some of them and "let you get it". I would actually be impressed if you pugged every single one in XP-off BG's. You're telling me you didn't cap or return a single flag or get a single WSG victory in XP-on bg's while leveling? because any of those actions are part of achievements for "Master of WSG" (eg return 50 flags in WSG).

Not to mention Master of WSG requires a large amount of REP that you only receive during a flag cap. This also means that prior to XP-off BG's you would have not played ANY WSG games. I would argue that getting "Master of WSG" on a newly minted 19 that had never played any WSG in XP-off BG's exclusively would take a long time and even longer on some classes (ie clothies)
My twink with Master of Warsong Gulch

Probably wondering how i got the achievement i wasn't "bad" during TBC thru 3.1 once when twinking nerfs came out then i started to suck. (as well as the Buffs to other classes)

Also to stay on topic, Please do not Semi-twink in XP-on Bgs just makes us all look bad especially yourself.

Just a btw before i got banned from WoW forums i would go on Forum wars i was on the side of twinking. Funny how everyone assumes that Twinks are 12 year old jerks who like to spend 10000g to beef up their character just to prey on level 10s with grey / white gear.

I sure didn't do that.
Grabco said:
Were you only pugging or did you have a premade caliber team help escort you with some of them and "let you get it". I would actually be impressed if you pugged every single one in XP-off BG's. You're telling me you didn't cap or return a single flag or get a single WSG victory in XP-on bg's while leveling? because any of those actions are part of achievements for "Master of WSG" (eg return 50 flags in WSG).

Not to mention Master of WSG requires a large amount of REP that you only receive during a flag cap. This also means that prior to XP-off BG's you would have not played ANY WSG games. I would argue that getting "Master of WSG" on a newly minted 19 that had never played any WSG in XP-off BG's exclusively would take a long time and even longer on some classes (ie clothies)

Believe it or not people twinked before achievements and were able to accrue rep. I didn't play 19s between the wrath patch in TBC and when I got my ironbound protodrake on my main (which actually came pretty quick) I came back to twinking after getting bored of raiding, by that point the XP-off patch had already been added. No I never made a premade to farm my achievements, I actually couldn't give a shit about achievements, they just happen if you play objectives.
Grabco said:
You probably couldn't get Quick Cap - Achievement - World of Warcraft, Ironman - Achievement - World of Warcraft Frenzied Defender - Achievement - World of Warcraft , Wrecking Ball - Achievement - World of Warcraft

I mean in theory it is possible to get them in XP-off BG's but it's much much easier to get them in XP-on

Managed them all except quick cap on my Hunter Twink in XP-Off BGs. Granted though the Ironman was achieved in a match where we overmatched our opposition so badly that the rest of my team minus my escort healer were farming all but one of the opposing twinks in their Graveyard during the 12 minute match. (PS, all achievements were achieved in PUGs)
Conrose said:
Managed them all except quick cap on my Hunter Twink in XP-Off BGs. Granted though the Ironman was achieved in a match where we overmatched our opposition so badly that the rest of my team minus my escort healer were farming all but one of the opposing twinks in their Graveyard during the 12 minute match. (PS, all achievements were achieved in PUGs)

how much of your rep was achieved in XP-off bg's? although I think these days rep doesn't count toward the mastery like it used to. I would expect that mage would be much more difficult than a a hunter or rogue to get master of wsg on.
Grabco said:
how much of your rep was achieved in XP-off bg's? although I think these days rep doesn't count toward the mastery like it used to. I would expect that mage would be much more difficult than a a hunter or rogue to get master of wsg on.

I'd say maybe 25% of the Rep was gained in XP off BGs, most of the rep was gained during my experiments into the Immo-Melee and Midfield Melee builds, with a limited pool of post XP-Off trials. A Hunter does have some advantages, I'd say they'd have a harder time with Flag Returns than a Mage would due to requiring ranged to do their most efficient damage unless using a deviant build like I do (Which made it fairly natural for me to achieve), while a Rogue would have a harder time with Wrecking Ball than a Hunter. I'd argue that a Mage has an easier time with Ironman than Hunters or Rogues due to availability of genuine CC and an AoE Root. My Ironman was achieved as a result of facing a terrible team that I'm guessing was composed of people curious about how XP off BGs were and as a result were routed. For all of my toons, Warsong Expedience was achieved as a result of the opposing team /afking or starting off 4 or less vs 10.

Save the Day is generally the fluke achievement of the lot... I got mine when the EFC came into his FR with only 5 HP left.
I got most of my achievements pre exp lock including master of wsg.

However it is still possible to get the achs now; but its alooooot harder. Tryin to get wrecking ball with the high standard of play....or hunter can kill that dream
As rivfader says most of the achievments will come at some point :)

But if just are to eager to get them all fast u can easely speed pots or outside buffs to try achieve them faster.

ps. I think my max flag returns in one xp-lock game was 15 .. (considering that return 5 in one game achievment).. just mass ninjaing xD
Rivfader said:
My rogue got master of WSG in exp off BG exclusively. If you play objectives and aren't afraid to run the flag you will get them all eventually.

Kudos man. I never really cared too much about achievements until the other day when I realized I'm only 1 off from Master of WSG with no xp to spare.

All I need is Iron Man and I'm golden.
I agree with you, always fun to enjoy some facerolling every now and again and I don't think there is a problem with rerolling, pwning noobs in BGs and repeating.
Emonator said:
I agree with you, always fun to enjoy some facerolling every now and again and I don't think there is a problem with rerolling, pwning noobs in BGs and repeating.

Yeah, at first I thought it would be close to the same thing as classic capped accounts twinking at 60. But they are up against things 9 lvls higher except for AV.

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