Id like to know a list of any/ all cata Reps i can get to exalted if you could plz link to a previous thread or make a note of what i can do.. thank you!
Id like to know a list of any/ all cata Reps i can get to exalted if you could plz link to a previous thread or make a note of what i can do.. thank you!
Earthen ring possibly, as there are quests in vash'jir, but I'm unsure about dailies. The other factions (for now) aren't possible, as the requirement for any quests is 81+.
I just completed all quests in Vashjir on my 80 warrior, which opened the 2 quests in Throne of Tides (and gave me a nice BiS belt). If there are any dailies, I did not find them and it only got me to honored, not exalted. To get to exalted, you would have to quest in Deepholm and/or Twilight Highlands, and 80's are too low.
So I don't think we can get Earthen Ring to exalted.