Cata rog wepun encht thred

no, but seriously, what weapons are you going to be running and with what chants?

i was thinking 2 slow weapons + mut spec + x2 sader would be a fun setup, getting an overlaping sader proc should be easier.

poppin kids with an extra 200 str is alays a good time :)
MH: Impish blade +5 wep dmg

OH: SF or Gutterblade +15 agility. Prob SF based on its new beta build though.

Subtlety spec obviously.
wats best 2 wep setup atm of course im going sub but would u suggest using dagger MH sword SF OH then switching to 2 swords if u get a waylay proc
rogues with crusader....

in cata do rogues still get AP from str? since they are getting back 2AP for 1 Agi as blizz tested it back in van-WOW.

str, so far has been removed from all the defias and fang set items, removed from feet of lynx, tail spike, buzz saw, etc.

still on the nerfed assasin's blade for some reason
I think il have more fun in mut spec so seeing as it would only work with daggers il prob go with 15 agi. will have to wait and see.
stickymitten said:
dubble shadderfangs with firey will be amazing in cata still i think, seeing the updated stats.

Why would you use a sword main hand? Honestly you should just stack hit.
shadowstep then backstab or ambush ftw need dagger at all times as rogue shadowstep is gamechanging in a wsg environment especially with a cc
+15 Agility on both weapons, no exception.

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