This has been mentioned in passing when Cata was first announced but lets really think about this. Of course twinks will ALWAYS adapt but this will make it extremely difficult. Enter- Guild leveling system complete with Guild Heirloom items. This is intended to allow guild memebers to easiliy level up that Tank, Healer, or DPS class that the guild is lacking. However this will require your twink to be tied to a level 85 guild that has sufficient guild progression points to purchase Heirloom plans.
Directly from Cata compilation (Cata forums)
Guilds that use guild currency to purchase profession plans will be able to share any purchased plan with the rest of the guild via a vendor and skill trainer. Guilds are also able to create guild heirlooms; these items bind to the guild so that anyone in the guild will be able to acquire them. Just like the normal heirloom items, guild heirloom items will also scale with level and will support all armor and weapons.
-Current heirloom items are not expected to be updated to support 80-85 and will remain for the 1-80 crowd
Directly from Cata compilation (Cata forums)
Guilds that use guild currency to purchase profession plans will be able to share any purchased plan with the rest of the guild via a vendor and skill trainer. Guilds are also able to create guild heirlooms; these items bind to the guild so that anyone in the guild will be able to acquire them. Just like the normal heirloom items, guild heirloom items will also scale with level and will support all armor and weapons.
-Current heirloom items are not expected to be updated to support 80-85 and will remain for the 1-80 crowd