Cata BG merge thing = revival of all brackets?

I am excited for rated BGs. It's basically Blizzard making a format for premades. Hopefully they'll take the timer off, 25 minutes is not enough time to finish a good premade.
I am certainly looking forward to the change. I have a 30' bracket twink that is gathering dust because of the drop off on our battlegroup. I would like to get a chance to play her again.
Well ump, blizzard didn't expect us to do premades like we do, and i think that having rated BGs is a terrible idea. I don't see a lot of premades at 80, but i do find a lot of random groups queing at the same time with no concideration of class or gear or skill, they just want to fill the BG with people from their realm.
Having rated BGs will bring back a lot of the old school 60 pvpers who ran premades for one reason, to win (you don't queue for over an hour to come to lose and not get honor). I think it's a great idea but I'm biased because I was one of those old level 60s who liked doing premades.
I'm new to twinking but have just made a couple of 59s because cata looks like its going to be good for twink pvp. I'm on bloodlust and most of the twinks moved off here awhile back so no BGs for twinks here atm. I'm just hoping the cross battlegroup battlegrounds works out well for twinks. It sounds like it is heaps of fun.
Taitaih said:
Having rated BGs will bring back a lot of the old school 60 pvpers who ran premades for one reason, to win (you don't queue for over an hour to come to lose and not get honor). I think it's a great idea but I'm biased because I was one of those old level 60s who liked doing premades.

what?! have you done any honor grind in the "old school" days then? you talk like you look forward to play with "old school 60 pvpers who ran premades for one reason, to win", those are the people that care about everything but winning. if a premade run into another one in AB, one would simply let the other one 5-cap because a 2-3 loss would mean a little bit more honor but A LOT of time wasted. even a 3-2 win is not nearly honor-efficient enough.

it was server pvp only, no battle groups or anything, there are at least 3 people competing for GM every week on every server, but there is only 1 GM per week. so every single minute is important. and you say, only 3 people per server? well guess what, behind every player pushing for GM, there is at least 15 people rotating to help out day and night, 24/7, for up to 2 MONTHS.

70~80% of thos GM's or FM's aren't even good at PVP to begin with and quit after arena came out.

i myself look forward very much to rated arena but no, definitely not vanilla pvp.
Yes, I did. We had two Alliance groups and two Horde groups running all the time. The ranking on the server is always based straight off the top honor. Instead of "letting people win" and stuff like that, we CAPPED it on our server as an agreement. 100,000+ honor per week for people shooting for GM, 95,000 for FMs, etc etc so we wouldn't screw each other over. We played straight WSG because queues were rapid with four 10 man customs running at a time unless it was AB/AV weekend. We ran full raids with the person running for GM sitting in his own group and tapping World leaders for honor. Your server sounded like it just win-traded.

I'm saying it because I hate how BGs are now just a grind that nobody really cares about, and I miss actually playing BGs to win (like 49s now). I spent months helping over 5-6 GMs go for their title by sacrificing my own honor points from killing people by assisting the flag carrier. I got Lt. Commander with a grand total of 9000 honorable kills.

If two FMs are sitting at around 90% to GM, you can have two GMs per week, I've seen it happen.

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You can keep assuming I know nothing though.
no man i think i came off a bit too harsh, it's just that i hated those pre-mades.

but i do agree with you that 49 BG is a lot better than 80 BG right now, i never played 49 BG after the nerf but it's pretty obvious that twinks BG to pvp, but 80's just BG to grind honor.

i look forward to fighting ya on my 49 rogue once cata hits.

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