Xposure said:I was planning to play my Rogue, but with Arenas coming back, I'm not sure... are they viable? Or should I play my Hunter again?
Steamed said:rogue please, we dont need more hunters
Quinp said:He is EU so what do you care really![]()
respect730 said:If i don't play my ele/hunter comp then i still have my own hunter, priest, ret/prot paladin, and feral druid ready to go. I just thought the idea of ele/hunter was awesome.
Idk why the priest is talking so much either. You have any idea how we would F a priest?
you: spam dots > shield > renew
me(sham): purge> totem> wind shear mind blast/flash heal (your choice)> purge you till you AGM
me(sham): purge that AGM and lol > wind shear > purge shield > purge renew > pop AGM
hunter: pet interrupt > scatter shot > AGM > burst you till you die.
your team mate: "wtf mate"
I wanted to keep it short, since i play a priest both on and off at 80(85) and 19, i know your thinking of how to respond.
(btw this is not 100% accurate, im assuming his team mate is at burger king)
Tierwulf said:Best 2s team by far will be Holy Priest, Rogue good haste / sp low mana build priest, can assist in dps, a rogue opens up on heal, depending wut type heals u got chasite and huge nuke + fear from priest for cc alt partner after chasite + droping some nice damage, and assisting keeping them both up with bubble / renew , with the preasure and timed cds, nothing can go wrong, and also the trinket from eng can dispel sheep if im correct . If not that comp then Holy Priest, BM hunter.
Evade said:sorry but that team isn't gonna work. rogues just don't have the damage to pull it off