Cata 70 Arenas


Level Capped - Owner
Wargames are being played daily on Firemaw EU while we wait to find out if rated arenas will make a return the 28th.

If you want to play some, hit up:
- Fireisback-Firemaw
- Saintq-Firemaw
- Lastsamurai-Firemaw
- Hatefanelol-Firemaw

Personally dinged 70 yesterday, so don't worry about not being BiS.
Wargames are being played daily on Firemaw EU while we wait to find out if rated arenas will make a return the 28th.

If you want to play some, hit up:
- Fireisback-Firemaw
- Saintq-Firemaw
- Lastsamurai-Firemaw
- Hatefanelol-Firemaw

Personally dinged 70 yesterday, so don't worry about not being BiS.

Add me in game I’m trying to reach out and add as many 70 twinks as possible.

Currently on Gehennas Horde EU but considering transferring to Firemaw Alliance EU depending on arena news. - nathaniel#2139
Did a few tries to que arena on a level 80 both with xp on and off and it did not work sadly. Below level 70 it says the feature becomes available at level 70 but at 70+ it implies you need to be 85.
Did a few tries to que arena on a level 80 both with xp on and off and it did not work sadly. Below level 70 it says the feature becomes available at level 70 but at 70+ it implies you need to be 85.
Did you have 4 ppl (for 2s) queued at the same time when trying it with everyone exp off? And then everyone exp on?

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