Cata 29 Boomkin Twink

Hello fellow 29's,

With the druid's moonkin form becoming available at level 29, I couldn't help but begin planning my gear for the boomkin twink that I will be rolling after Cataclysm launches in December.


I wanted to share what I hope to be wearing on my new 29 boomkin as soon as possible after launch.

When selecting this gear I have made four key assumptions:

1) A 1:1 intellect to spell power conversion ratio.

2) No significant changes to the list of relevant enchantments.

3) Leg and Head BOA item will not be BIS when final stats are confirmed.

4) The stats of items obtainable from the Satchel of Helpful Goods will remain unchanged.

Head: Enduring Cap

Shoulders: Preened Ironfeather Shoulders

113 Armor

11 Stam

7 Int

7 Crit

Neck: Grounding Choker

Back: Ancient Bloodmoon Cloak

49 Armor

8 Stam

5 Int

3 Crit

3 Haste

with +Stealth

Chest: Zealot Robe with +6 Stats

Belt: Defiler's Lizardhide Girdle

Legs: Blighted Leggings with +20 armor

Boots: Acidic Walkers with +7 Stam

Wrists: Gallan Cuffs with +12 Int

Gloves: Vigorous Handgaurds of Vision

97 Armor

12 Spell Power

6 Intellect

3 Stamina

with +20 spell power

Ring 1: Gleaming Seal of the Archmagus

8 Stam

5 Int

3 Crit

3 Haste

Ring 2: Deadman's Hand

Trinket 1: Discerning Eye of the Beast

9 Int

Trinket 2: Arena Grand Master

Weapon: Dignified Headmaster's Charge with +30 spell power

I will be using this talent assignment.

The gear that I have selected is a bit Stamina heavy, but from what I have read it seems that there will be a need for high HP to avoid being taken out quickly by the burst DPS that will be available to many classes after cataclysm.

I can't wait for the patch so that I can gear up and get out into the expanded cross-battlegroup PVP arena.

Feel free to leave comments and suggestions on my build.

Although I don't know how viable the boomkin will be in the new PVP environment, I am very pleased to see the moonkin form coming to the 29 bracket.

Happy Twinking,

umm bro 6stats chest or 7mp5, also get raptor hunter's with 15resil because it may scale better in cata. druids cannot use mail shoulders, get the panther hunter gloves or the razericks with 15 hit on one and 20agility on the other. if that works. you need to get hitcapped so i suggest using the defias pirate ring or w/e boa from fishing comp aaaand boa helmets coming out so may find something more viable
Regarding item choices

I agree that +6 stats is a strictly better choice as a chest enchant. Thanks for pointing this out. I have made this edit to my original post.

The stats on Raptor Hunter Tunic are very underwhelming when compared to the new stats on Zealot Robe.

Although the actual values of +hit that are granted by the new spirit=hit talent Balance of Power have not been confirmed, I believe that their is no need for addition investment in +hit to reach hit cap.

For a caster, the Vigorous Handgaurds of Vision are without question BIS. They are not only BC enchantable, they have more native +spell power than any alternative. I don't exactly see the point of using Tiger Hunter's Gloves or Razzeric's Racing Grips, and enchanting +Agi is certainly a waste.

I perfer to avoid enchanting any mp5 onto my DPS set. I would rather use a backup gear set with high mana, high mp5, and high spirit to regen mana when out of combat.

+Resilience right now is an unknown quantity.

Without more information, +6 stats still seems like the best choice.

Thanks for your comments,

Theforce said:
At level 29, mystical pauldrons are leather and can be equipped by a Druid. Due to their higher armor score, they are strictly better than preened shoulders.

Thats not how it works, you can't use them unless its a class that can use mail at 40(aka not druids)
Thanks for pointing out this oversight Evade. I updated my original post to eliminate the pseudo-mail shoulders.

I figured that because they were technically leather at level 29, they would be accessible to Druids.


Typhoon > Oomkin form.

edit: you also shouldn't need any hit, as balance of power *should* cap you if it stays like it is.
hit is leaving gear so you'll need BoP and spirit (1 spirit = 1 hit rating, not 1 hit %) to get hit capped
Typhoon vs Boomkin form

Only testing will show whether the selection of boomkin form or typhoon at level 29 will be more beneficial.

Typhoon seems like it would provide more technical advantages. Being able to come out of stealth and instant cast knock someone off of a high place does sound very appealing. But 10% damage increase is nothing to sneeze at.

If anyone has damage numbers for level 29 typhoon from Beta, these would be great to know.



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