Casual forum stalker finally makes F2P

Just wondering... What private server? Monster wow? plz tell me i'd be down to twink with you there prob a healer it could be fun

Yeah, it was AstralWoW. It was known for being the 'least-buggy Cata server'. I had a BUNCH of friends on there, still do. And i had my best friend who tended to play as a healer because he's a sweety pie that only wanted to help me :eek: I'm still playing it, by the way.

Hey Welcome to our little community... did I miss something....????
Horde or Alliance?
in game name?

Ingame name is Syntak. I'm a night elf druid, although i WILL be playing both factions when i get into the swing of things. I also don't have a favourite class so... I'll probably have a bunch of toons too to cover as much as possible xD

an armory link is in order mr Syntak

Off-Topic: MRCER! I LOVE YOUR WARRIOR! Oh gosh, you gave me so many ideas :eek: taught me CTC and how to hold against a lot both in PvP and PvE. <3

On-Topic: Well i only managed to hit level 10 yesterday xD (that and i haven't a clue how to set up my armory o_o +1 to the first to teach me how) so i guess i won't be sorting it out until i ding 20 atleast.
Hey there!

We met in game briefly the other day in Teldrassil when you came upon me at a moment when I was in the middle of a "wardrobe" experiment. I had no idea I could actually feel embarrassed for a CARTOON character and wondered why there is no emote for blushing...
im hopping on astralwow now :D hopefully ill find you and 10 twinks any suggestions? i think for now ill go with a rogue...
Hey Welcome to our little community... did I miss something....????
Horde or Alliance?
in game name?

"I initially quit WoW a couple weeks after 3.3.5a and got back into it when i saw advertisements to play WoW for free ~ And of course i got excited! ... But it didn't last long. The permissions were annoying and irritating. Since i had no friends ingame and no real way to make new ones i gave up and went back to private servers (i've settled into one and am still playing almost everyday). "

Exactly how I was feeling.....

I played privately for awhile, but never made friends there and left to come here... since joining AP i am completely happy with the community... Although caution rolling Hunters here, maybe I am a BAD hunter and can't kill a
good priest or pally .... but Since Hunters tear up BGs and usually lead in kills and damage the community masses here feel Hunters are way to OP and give you crap for playing a hunter. Since WoW Created the Pally, it had been OP, but yet ALL pallys are welcomed and there's no hate for them like there is a hunter.

Welcome again hope to see you around.
Ally here >> RetiredNavy << Toon Name

Please stop complaining about this.
im hopping on astralwow now :D hopefully ill find you and 10 twinks any suggestions? i think for now ill go with a rogue...

Ah fair enough, but you'll have to have wow patched at 4.0.6 - 4.3.0 . Any higher messes it up and you won't be able to play. :p
Also, i haven't actually been on it for two days now because i've been obsessing over retail D: IT'S SO MUCH BETTER!

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