Casual forum stalker finally makes F2P


Greetings F2P Twinksters!

My names Syntak and i've been stalking these forums for help, advise and general curiosity as to what twinking is like in Cata for the passed couple months now.

I initially quit WoW a couple weeks after 3.3.5a and got back into it when i saw advertisements to play WoW for free ~ And of course i got excited! ... But it didn't last long. The permissions were annoying and irritating. Since i had no friends ingame and no real way to make new ones i gave up and went back to private servers (i've settled into one and am still playing almost everyday).

The private server was stationed in 4.0.6 and therefore was the best time to twink level 10s, in which i did and i actually managed to bring level 10s to life on my Pserver for a couple months ... before the numbers dropped and, of course, so did the 10-14 bracket. The only thing that was viable for pops in PvP was 85 (which i'm so not interested in).

So then i started looking over at F2P twinking and, as i casually glanced through almost every day, i began to get more and more intrigued by the Twenties. It didn't seem as good at first as my beautiful level 10 paladin which was fighting level 80 elites in random solo raids i did every day but it sure did look interesting for it's PvP (and liveliness) aspect.


I've just got back onto F2P, used the tuts on here to change over to US and joined Aeria Peaks!
Of course i'll still be playing on my server aswell, i love it there. It's a little buggy and irritating but enjoyable and i have a lot of friends there still (which like to twink also - maybe i could get some to migrate to F2P and try twinking 20 style aswell ;) )

I just wanted to introduce myself as it'll be one of the only ways i can gain access to talk to most of you since F2P can't whisper without both players having each other added QQ.

Can't wait to see you all ingame, my character is fresh and still levelling but that shan't take long.
Hugs and Kisses x <3,
Welcome to Hell soldier. :cool:
I wouldn't call it hell. Seems like a lot of fun so far, even if i have only been playing for around 10 minutes game time ;) But thanks x

I was just kiddin'. It is fun and you can't beat the price. Some good peeps as well.

Oh it's a hugely fun bracket, dont get me wrong sometimes it can frustrate you, but ohai frost mages 70+ Other than that it's fresh and fun
Welcome! Like they said, you can't beat the price, and there's a ton of extra's to keep you busy once you hit endgame!
I've got the addon and i've been talking avidly on the channel for the passed half an hour ;)

way off topic, but last night i logged in on my alt to see who had Halaa. I looked down at the little chat frame and it had someone else's name there for the f2p channel...i was thinking "holy crap, finally someone else on this server is using the addon! woohoo...finally a community!"

I said "hi, anyone there?".

no response.

then i realized the person in the channel was the alt that i was logged in on.
:D What a fight club moment.

There is a hunter on my server who despite running the addon never talks, has never responded to any of us talking, what if that is me and I don't know it? Maybe I'm going mad, running another account in the background, never realizing it is myself?
Welcome to the community, I'm r friendly neighborhood leader and such


Off topic yde we are tied for likes! It's true love fer shur
Just wondering... What private server? Monster wow? plz tell me i'd be down to twink with you there prob a healer it could be fun
Off topic yde we are tied for likes! It's true love fer shur

And I almost clicked like for that post but I couldn't break the symmetry.

o_o that seems... disturbing. Lucky for me i'll most likely never have more than one account logged on (mostly because my laptop can barely handle one). I don't get how you can lose the realisation that you're on two characters and not notice which one is yours xD in seems like one of those awkward "slow" moments. Oh well

Haha, I was just making a silly joke. ^^
I hope it wasn't too obscure that I was joking about my mental instability or the hunter

of course I wouldn't play a hunter.
And I almost clicked like for that post but I couldn't break the symmetry.

Stop reading mind plox


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Hey Welcome to our little community... did I miss something....????
Horde or Alliance?
in game name?

"I initially quit WoW a couple weeks after 3.3.5a and got back into it when i saw advertisements to play WoW for free ~ And of course i got excited! ... But it didn't last long. The permissions were annoying and irritating. Since i had no friends ingame and no real way to make new ones i gave up and went back to private servers (i've settled into one and am still playing almost everyday). "

Exactly how I was feeling.....

I played privately for awhile, but never made friends there and left to come here... since joining AP i am completely happy with the community... Although caution rolling Hunters here, maybe I am a BAD hunter and can't kill a
good priest or pally .... but Since Hunters tear up BGs and usually lead in kills and damage the community masses here feel Hunters are way to OP and give you crap for playing a hunter. Since WoW Created the Pally, it had been OP, but yet ALL pallys are welcomed and there's no hate for them like there is a hunter.

Welcome again hope to see you around.
Ally here >> RetiredNavy << Toon Name

an armory link is in order mr Syntak



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