Caster raping

Thistemplate. With Mage Armor, it's around 58 resistance to all schools (71 fire, if you can have problems with destro locks and fire mages). Add in Dampen Magic which reduces up to 60 Spell Damage taken, and casters won't do much to you.

Cba to put other items, but you should have around 230 spell damage unbuffed with all the balanced gear.

You have Frostbite in the talents (= in case you might have some problems with melees.

CharDev isn't working for me right now, but a mage I used to play with sort of pioneered this 7/2/21 spec. He wore standard balanced stat/spell power gear, was untouchable by other casters, and could put out some nice burst with shatter combos. I'm guessing what you're talking about is similar.
im making a mage now just so I can rape casters!!

look out vallei!
arcane mages won't really rape casters...unless you consider rape being able to drag out fights for long periods of time :p
Zoomacroom said:
Pretty sure warlocks with a felpuppy are still going to eat you alive. No offense.

no, you resist enough spells that it doesn't matter all that much. but you sure won't be able to kill the warlock.

honestly, you won't be able to kill anything, unless it's a long battle, because arcane 39 mages are only good at being able to survive and use PoM fireball. and of course a warlock is one of the best at long term battles.

my rotation against a lock is usually this:

/resist autospellock

/cast poly

/run away
Druiddroid said:
my rotation against a lock is usually this:

/resist autospellock

/cast poly

/run away

Bet you hate the ones who macro Spell Lock and have a macro to dispel themselves of your poly? :p

And I would think he would PoM sheep and then start casting sheep to recover.. something like warlock's prefearing to get off a second fear

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