Caster PvP power vs int



This question has been asked a few times before i'm aware but i'm still not quite sure of the answer. I know that for many melee classes a hybrid of PvP power and agi/str (whichever they need) is preferable. But for casters i'm not quite sure?

I'm currently at 30-33% PvP Power on most of my casters and i'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to lower it. Does anyone else have experience in this?
I had a long think about this too when they first launched PvP Power, i think it depends on your class, but most of the casters seem to have a certain "burst cooldown", from my perspective having tailoring and synapse, stacking intellect to aid to this burst is no way near as effective as any PvP Power. But outside of this "burst" i think intellect is stronger than pvp power beyond something in the mid 20%. Personally i prefer haste (i'm haste hard capped with black magic proc) and that took 4-5 haste gems and picking out the right gear, which in my eyes outweighs just stacking PvP Power or Intellect too.
damage of starfire, wrath, starsurge was increased by 9% and so was the intellectscaling.

And by proxy, so was the contribution of PvP power. It's a better stat once primaries get to a threshold. That threshold is what depends on class, not what stat you stack on primary vs power.
I actually ran some sims on a warlock chardev I made. So far I've only tried heavy PvP power and heavy int (and the profile still needs some tuning), but PvP power beat int by a fair bit. This is not only for DPS, but also for a spell like chaos bolt, which scales ridiculously well.
i know they changed pvp power to scale with non healing spec's for hybrids.. but does it allso scale with absorbs? PW:S and IB are huge spells and if power doesent affect them it gives a big chunk towards int..

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