Hi all, I'm new here but I've been lurking this useful site for some time
I'm a bit annoyed by this and thought it'd be better to ask the experts, I have an 839 Fury Warrior, and am currently trying to powerlevel my 98 priest (a group of two), and I started in EoA. The thing is I'm getting very little XP per run, so I wanted to ask you, is there anything I'm doing wrong? Should I level the priest to 100 in order to start getting good XP? Maybe try another dungeon?
I'm a bit annoyed by this and thought it'd be better to ask the experts, I have an 839 Fury Warrior, and am currently trying to powerlevel my 98 priest (a group of two), and I started in EoA. The thing is I'm getting very little XP per run, so I wanted to ask you, is there anything I'm doing wrong? Should I level the priest to 100 in order to start getting good XP? Maybe try another dungeon?