<can we stop> 29 Roster Recruiting


Wizard of the ramp
[H] Mankrik <can we stop>

Currently Recruiting:
  • Hunter x2
  • Mage x1
  • Rogue x1
  • Warlock x1
10v10/premading rosters will be determined by activity and ability. We offer full funding for exceptional players and partial funding (quest help/dungeon runs) for casuals.

What you can expect from us:
  • Active guild community with a constructive environment
  • Leadership with years of PvP experience in all expansions and all brackets
  • Full guild support for gearing toons (dungeon & questing items, high-value BOE's case by case basis)
Our Expectations:
  • Be active
  • Intimate knowledge of your class, spec, and role
  • Mature attitude and team player
  • Willingness to take constructive criticism
  • Willingness to work collaboratively and promote a culture of continuous self-improvement
Contact via PM or Discord:
I have a 24 rogue that I'm going to twink out. I'm 100% interested in moving it over if you guys will have me.

As far as my experience goes, I have none in the 29 bracket. However, I'm an experienced rogue player and fanatic as I just love the class in general. With three level 60 rogues, I think it's somewhat safe to say I know my class at the very least, haha.

I'm currently on Grobbulus and I might just get myself geared here and then move over. I could move over sooner if you like.

Let me know what you think!

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